1.15 BitCoin crackdown
"The financial watchdog alleges Maksim Zaslavskiy and his two companies, REcoin Group Foundation and DRC World, defrauded investors and sold unregistered securities in two fake ICOs.
REcoin, a blockchain-based real-estate company, and DRC World, a diamond membership club, issued fake tokens to investors and promised high-returns without "real operations," according to the SEC. "
""Investors should be wary of companies touting ICOs as a way to generate outsized returns," said Andrew Calamari, director of the SEC’s New York regional office."As alleged in our complaint, Zaslavskiy lured investors with false promises of sizeable returns from novel technology."
The SEC froze the personal assets of Zaslavskiy and his companies after getting an emergency court order, according to the agency.
In July, the SEC announced certain ICOs would be subject to regulatory scrutiny. Other countries, such as China and South Korea, have deemed initial coin offerings illegal, because of concerns of fraud."
= = = from an actual email note the 2017 date needs to be updated
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