Neo-Puritans - lily white organic food filtered air and water

It was one of the oddest people movements even in a time that defies understanding.  Young, successful, conservative, Christian, (at least that is how they identified themselves) singles, couples and groups began leaving the South, especially Houston. and ended up in the pluralistic, liberal, expensive city of Seattle

Was it the flood? The Harvey thing?

No, Yes, indirectly yes, those things always hit the poor non-white folks the hardest. The folks that became the Neo-Puritans were the people of the high ground.

So what was it? Let's consult Amber. Amber, what caused the people movement from Southern Texas to Seattle after hurricane Harvey. What is the primary cause?

Amber AI replied, to put in colloquial terms for maximum accuracy, they were grossed out by the water and the air. They considered it poison.

Amber, give us an example or two.

Amber AI replied, Here is a blog post from a high influential XXX of the day. She was blue circle with over ten thousand verified followers. According to Krista LeBlanc:

"Any and all chemicals generated by the greater Houston metro area's human activity have, can and will still find their way into our water supplies. The current push by planners to increase greenspace could actually make this worse. The types and quantities of carcinogens present in drinking water at the point of consumption differ slightly depending on the source of contamination of the water. However, none of it is pure and the water resulting post-processing is on parity with water produced from the lower Mississippi.

Water contaminants include arsenic, asbestos, radon, household, industrial and agricultural chemicals, and hazardous waste including post flood. The use of chlorine for water treatment to reduce the risk of infectious disease results in a significant increase in the cancer risk associated with drinking/bathing water. As the use of chlorine increased after the hurricane post processed water by-products fell below any acceptable safety level including that of developing countries. Filtering products may help, but remaining potential toxins still exceed safe levels of intake.

And that is just drinking. We may choose various bottled water products, but we bathe, swim and are exposed in myriad ways to a pernicious cocktail that we used to think of as our friend; water.

Meanwhile, "Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) provides some of the highest quality drinking water in the nation because it comes from pristine, protected mountain sources: the Cedar River Watershed and South Fork Tolt River Watershed."[1]

So as for me and my house, we are moving. We just closed on an 18 unit apartment building in Seattle, are rehabbing it to include filtered water and air, (and no, it is not in a flood plain).  We hope to move in within 60 days and are open to rental applications from like minded people.

Amber AI continued, this post garnered over 3 million likes and all of the apartments were leased at a healthy premium to prevailing market rates within 90 days.

And let me guess, the demographic was primarily young, causcasian and conservative.

Yes, Amber AI replied, and there are reasons to believe this, as much as anything, was the beginning of the Neo-Puritan movement. Shall, I invest the resources to investigate further?

Negative Amber, the NPs are the least of my concerns.

Amber, where is Krista LeBlanc today?

Amber AI replied 174631503.

Is that lat long?

Amber AI replied as drying as a digital assistant can,  "It's her Social Security number, she works for you."

= = = Ten years later = = =
XXX visited the NP facility. They had moved North into Canada and infested Bowen island. Poor folks had no idea what hit them. It was like one of those bad science fiction films like The Island.  I could almost hear McCord telling me about God, "Well, you know, when you want something really bad and you close your eyes and you wish for it? God's the guy that ignores you." Only in this case being a Latino, everyone ignored me . . . while watching me suspicously the whole time. Everyone was in spotless clothes. All of the food was organic, all of the water and air filtered. All visitors had to quarantine and decontaminate. They thought of themselves as great warriors because they trained in martial arts and with weapons, but nobody had been in a fist fight, had taken a punch, had been shot or killed anyone.

= = = Three years later = = = This means war = = =

Three virgins, girls that are as pure as the driven snow. have been raped by the Cons.
XXX listened, it had been a long time since he had seen pure snow, but it seemed to play well with the audience.

Unbidden, a quote from The Blind Side played in his head, “I look and I see white every where. White walls, white floors and a lot of white people.

Krista continued, "We need to strike and strike hard, we need to cut the head off this snake."

XXX was truly surprised to see the level of agreement in the room. Group think at its worst, a bunch of insulated   with almost no clue how the world around them worked, were going to attack the Vagabonds. He thought, I give them one in ten chances with luck and surprise the only variables.


Look Krista, your mind is made up, but blimpies are lighter than air craft, they are not armored for battle. Every bullet that pierces a helium compartment makes the plane harder to fly. And on the ground, when you consider the manuverability of the Carbanados versus the motorcyles the Vagabonds prefer, you don't stand a chance.

You forget a few things XXX. Every NP is a sharpshooter, at a distance we have an incredible advantage. You are right about the blimpies, but we have hardened the crew compartment, they are set to base jump and position themselves. The Carbanados likewise have been heavily modified. It is at a cost of half the range, but they will take a lot of gunfire, anything short of an RPG.

The plan is to get in and get out fast. I have twice the assets covering the retreat than the assault force. We will take losses certainly, but so will they. The trick is to make it five, ten to one. Men, women, children, doesn't matter, when we are done the trick is to send the Vagabonds back East licking their wounds.

XXX was physically sick. He had been here before. Even though he was a believer in the way, he couldn't really believe he was forgiven for the things he had done as a special operator.  Krista's plan would sound good except for one thing, he had never seen green troops carry out a battle successfully. In his own unit, they only accepted two newbies at a time, no more until they had two more gunfights carved into the knife of his belt Shun. But Adrian's rules of engagement had been perfectly clear, observe, report, do not engage. If things



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