Wonk: from coffee bean to blue circle

Wonk looked at his friend, "check it out, my sister is in the news."

Sharri had a good job as a "bikini barista" though she tended to wear lingerie to work. The tips were great. Then Everett passed a law, actually a dress code, forbidding such skimpiness. Sharri is afraid her livelihood will be impacted.

Admittedly it was a short piece and possibly just a ruse to take sis' picture in her undies. But it spun up brother Wonks mind, putting it on a track that would one day land him in the blue circle. Coffee was a good business anyway, the markups, even with declining crops due to climate change, were beyond belief. It all comes down to good will. The expresso between any two coffee stands is going to taste the same. If a little sizzle makes the difference between your dropping your fiver consistently at one over the other, it is huge.

Sharri and he were close, Wonk started to sound her out. Sis, you never really spoke about your barista dealings, how would you characterize a day in the life?

Well, first off, the customers aren't all men, I have ladies that drive up, some are regulars. I almost enjoy them more, the men don't seem to know what to say they just want to gawk. They ought to take you guys aside for a day in kindergarten and give you a lesson in small talk. And, if we are being truthful, it is kind of neat having them look me up and down, after all they only see me though a window. I'm safe and to be honest, I am proud of my body. Liberty said it best, "There is nothing unhealthy, obscene, or contrary to the public good in the barista’s garments." The tips are important, we both know mom and dad can't pay for my college, so the money matters. This semester I will have an associates degree with no debt. I'm already a certified nursing assistant and I will earn my Associate in Applied Science - meant as a transfer degree. How I will get my four year degree, I don't know yet, but I am on my way.

Why don't you work as a nursing assistant?

Bikini barista pays a lot better, I have been saving, the next two years will be tough, but doable. Seriously Wonk, the community college route is one of the best examples of your tax dollar at work short of bridges and fire stations. I pay a reasonable tuition for skills based training and if I want to go all the way for a four year degree and I do, I am halfway there before I have to spend serious dinero

Wonk nodded, he couldn't even reply, his brain was racing. There was a serious gold nugget in something Sharri had said. This would not the day that Wonk put it all together.

The younger brother was still in high school, his literature class reading Heller's Catch 22 another piece of the grand puzzle would fall into place with that novel. Nately and the lecherous old man that lived among the prostitutes in the building. Two things stood out for him. One, as any teenage male would agree, being with a bunch of naked women sounded pretty good. But the idea that Italy’s style and weakness were actually strengths, because they could improvise, adapt, and overcome. That was powerful, that is what needed to happen here in Baristaville, (the exact origin of the bikini barista is debated almost as must as that of falafel, it probably did not start in Everett, but it was sure popular there). Time for some field research, (field research would become one of Wonk's trademark passions)

To be sure, Wonk felt a bit odd driving his mother's car to SeaGals to spend $5.00 on a Cafe Americano and tip. Odd turned to awkward with his turn at the window, but the girl was nice and he got the coffee and only trembled a little bit.

Wonk didn't stand out in high school, he had been on a few dates, but nothing serious, had a few friends, but even at 15 he knew it was not a lifetime bonding. He was happy, but he could be happier. That moment at the expresso window, (or actually reflecting on it later with copious quantities of hand lotion), this first hints of his first business plan started to come together.

Doing some reading he learned the problems leading to regulation in coffedom came down to greed. Instead of just tips, a few enterprising baristas were charging up to $80 for a strip show. The state of Washington is known for rain, coffee, recreational marijuana, and permitting women to be topless in public; there shouldn't be a problem. But some people took it too far.  It was an ancient problem. The fact that some guys would pay $80.00 was not lost on Wonk.

Greed, Arthur Andersen had it made, audit Enron and other huge corporations, find a few things wrong, file a report and then the company would hire their consulting arm to help mitigate the problems. It was higher margin than coffee if such a thing was possible. But the partner in charge of auditing the Enron Corporation got greedy, looked the other way when it was really bad then tried to cover up. They had proof he ordered the destruction of thousands of documents and e-mail messages.  That greed cost them everything, one of the greatest modern day business models and the company with it.

To be successful in the sexy lady coffee business, or any business that runs close to the edge, you have to build in guardrails to keep from driving down that old slippery slope. Wonk didn't realize it just yet, but he was just the person to build such business. Within a month Wonk and Sharri opened their own coffee stand, Wonk ran the business, Sharri recruited her friends from school, no more worries about paying for nursing school. Soon they opened their second location.

Many high school kids from a low income background would be tempted to flash recently acquired cash. Not Wonk, he avoided the limelight, though his fellow students were amazed at the older, lovely girls that were his dates at football games and parties.

He had a thesis that the girls didn't have to wear lingerie or be exquisite, they needed to be nice. He started to think about other examples. When hurricane Irma came through, he read a piece in the Post saying, "At Jacksonville Landing, a marketplace on the river near EverBank Field, home to the Jacksonville Jaguars, the only business open was a Hooters restaurant that had closed Friday night ahead of the storm.

“We came in, cleaned up and got it open,” said Hooters regional manager Cindy Ingram."

Wonk took the time to visit a Hooters nearby, (field work it was tax deductible), but the margins weren't there, everything about the food service industry screamed high cost and long hours.

His hair was ratty, needed a trim, his regular person was on vacation, so he went to his first Sport Clips, an MVP at the one across from Starbucks at Osbourne Square. They were close, he liked the "It's good to be a guy" slogan, the MVP a concept. But they were not going to disrupt the industry.

The men's haircut thing was interesting, the margins were potentially attractive. You didn't need much infrastructure, the main ingredient was time, you could turn several customers per hour per stylist. The question was how to insert himself in the supply chain of qualified hair cutters. Sport Clips understood that well, they had a complete talent development team. Wonk needed to be more streamlined. He told Sharri about his day, what he learned and what he was thinking.

"You do realize that Everett CC has a cosmetology department. They help students get ready for the Washington State Exam." It was becoming very clear to Wonk where he would start college.

The more he learned about the men's grooming business, the more his eyes opened, he was 16, just learned to drive: nasal hair, ear hair, bushy eyebrows, these would all be an issue later in life.  But they were a financial opportunity now.

The key was licensed ladies that were willing to be nice, but, not too nice. And as he quickly learned, Washington had a license for almost anything vaguely related, cosmetology, esthetics, personal services, (the code on RCW 18.16 was a bit vague so that was a disruption opportunity), massage, but within six months of opening his first hair service, well, his high school graduation party was at one of Washington's few and far between men's spas.

The partnership with sister Sharri was coming to an end, she had fallen in love wanted to marry and use her half of the business as a grubstake. Wonk was a bit sad, but pragmatic. His relationship with his sister had softened the detrimental psychological impact of not having close friends; Sharri was his friend. Their relationship, including her vast supply of older, good looking girls had bolstered his sense of self-worth. Wonk bought her out, tossed in a small ship honeymoon cruise, (done perfectly), on American Cruise Lines to Alaska. True to form, Sharri divorced at 30 after 8 years of marriage, but her interests were now in other things including pet massage.

Wonk was settling in on the concept of the American Geisha. He knew full well that prostitution or anything shady would be his undoing. Date a client you are fired. See a client off premises you are fired. Once again, he needed to find a supply of the right ladies and all they had to do was be nice to the clients.

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