Somewhere between the next June and September Gloria asks Wonk to accompany her to a Bat Mitzvah, (a Jewish coming of age ceremony). On the way, they stop at the North Bend outlets, Wonk buys a tactical wool sweater. Gloria tells him she hooked him up with her sister, Yolanda who drives up in a black polaris with a dog, Ahuva, riding shotgun. Wonk meets Clara Bow the lodge romance concierge who gives him a magic business card. Wonk goes up to the library, snacks on a biscotti, and meets Traveler and his dog, Cody. They chat till Yolanda summons Wonk for her patented girlfriend experience. Afterwards, Wonk and Ahuva connect somewhat, all Blue Circle dogs are people whisperers, at least to some extent. Wonk is amazed he is having the same experience with Ahuva he has with Bandi Boy, who Rhea, Guy's mom is caring for. He asks, Yolanda tells him more about HNMNBies. She shares the 4 pillars of HNMNBie: Don't feed evil, Support second chances, Cyberspace manifesto, Trust your ...
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