
Carbon fiber gondolas, two strong people can load a couple on a standard RV using roller racks. They set up shop in calm water harbors, always near an existing boatyard. Staffed by Up and Out graduates, with certificates in CPR, First Responder, Life Saving, Italian opera. For most of them, gondolier was their first professional title.

They slept in the halfway house bunks, even so, had to pass the morning drug test, three strikes and you are out. Senior gondolier, Harold, had been working for two years straight at XXX marina, already had a couple AYBC certs as a diesel mechanic, money in his pocket, making good progress at paying the company store back for the education, banking the rest, word is, even had some H-Coin, (HNMNBM crypocurrency requires gold to buy in).

When they weren't working shuttling tourists, fishermen, or HNMNBies around, hey, it's warm weather employment, they provided services, boat boy/boat girl for the boatyard, usually starting with anti-fouling, a clean bottom is a happy bottom. The barnacles and pesky algae were a chore, that's why you pay someone else to clean under the waterline, but Gondolas Galore were a beta test site for Barnubas, robotic boat hull cleaners, use em, clean em, charge them for the next time, Q1 standard power packs in a pinch they could be reprovisioned as emergency flashlights.


NOTE: do we need iRobot permission?


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