Guy visits Hawaii and Traveler

The sun is out. It has been raining for seven straight days, welcome to Seattle.

OK Bondi, (Guy was keeping Rhea's dog while she attended a jewelry buyers show in Las Vegas), let's go for a walk.

Bondi was stoked, fetched his lead and stood by the door. Patient while Guy fumbled with the nose noose. Out the door. The inner Bondi wanted to leap and prance, but 2.5 yr old GSDs don't do that, aristocrats of dogdem, comes with a price.

After a long rainy spell, when the sun comes out everyone that can, gets out, the neighborhood was filled with the sounds of leaf blowers, chain saws, children chirping. The neighbor on the corner was out, garage door open, working on some task.

Nice day, Guy called out. Say, that is a good looking dog, the neighbor returned, the rain is coming back tomorrow. Yup, "Whan the sunne shinth make hay." Aye John Heywood, the neighbor called out to Guy and Bondi's vanishing aspect.

Walking was good, a chance to clear his mind, organize his thoughts. The past year had been a time of growth, buying his first house, going on his first trip, well unless you count the senior class trip to XXX. Guy was mentally cataloging all the things to do before shutting down the house in the winter. Water valves off, hose bibs on, making sure everything was in order for his mother could drop in an check on things.

= = = Real estate person's view of selling a young professional his first house

The French Canadian half of his being was beyond excited. There is some call on the folk living North of the border to go somewhere warm, tropical, palm trees, drinks with festive umbrellas. If you want to understand, try spending January in Quebec city, just the muck boots on and off at the alcove inside the front door is enough to send you screaming.

One of his friends, Pieter, from school had invited him to Belize, they were chartering a boat, but from the reports, he was glad he didn't go. The one two hurricane punch last year really set them back, the first one blew the roofs off, the second filled the insides with rain. 1 meter of standing water seems to energize the mosquitos to super villain status.

Fortunately Pieter had talked with people that grabbed a boat every year. Base was Placencia, rent the golf cart fill it to the gills, once you leave the Moorings, there is nothing out there and that was before the hurricanes. So they had food, water, liquor, spectacular diving, warm to hot weather and mosquitos. Even with a net they still got you, how do they do that?

Before he knew it, they had walked the circuit through the neighborhood. The route was a bit complicated because they were re-painting the lane markers. They like shiny white and yellow stripes in Western Washington, Guy would realize that later driving in Hawaii when he couldn't see the divider strip in the rain, yes it rains there too, to save his life, stay to the right, listen for the sound of the box dots, if, in fact, there are any box dots.

Bondi was a good boy, but once he was back at the house it was time to go inside, not big on Guy taking off his shoes, so he scratched the door, the universal dog signal for OPEN. Sure, Guy let him in, nose noose and all.


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