The loose alliance of the people that formed HNMNBM goes back over 20 years, but the event that took the movement viral was a party that Traveler threw. He meant it as a joke. Things were so ludicrous, politicians that were known pedophiles and knew nothing about the issues of governance, law enforcement driven to know the innermost secret of every citizen, the breakdown of religion becoming a political party that he thought it might be funny to postulate a secret society, a resistance.

He had HNMNBie bumper stickers, (remember the secret society was a joke), had a HNMNBie manual printed, a key signing party for access to HNMNBNet and so forth. To his amazement and consternation people believed, signed up, started living as HNMNBies. Thus, Traveler was the father of HNMNBM, but is not in fact, a HNMNBie.

 The HNMNBM code:
The first rule of HNMNBie is to minimize harm. Actions of commission, choices of omission, all have impacts. Live accordingly, choose well.

The second rule of HNMNBie is seek privacy. This is sometimes humorously referred to as "there is no HNMNBie," (and even if there were, there is no HNMNBNet).

The third rule of HNMNBie is subservience to a higher power, whatever that means to you. HNMNBies claim to be open all three of the major religions, christianity, judiasm, islam, (that doesn't always hold when put to the test). This is where Traveler broke with the movement. "If its a higher power, why would it be 3rd?" Sorry, I really can't see Christianity and Islam used in the same sentence, other than some form of contrast."

The 3rd rule is also going to royally screw Wonk up. In HNMNBM chapter 8, Reverend Slocom gives him a HE > I bumper sticker and to consider the claim. Chase thinks he will come to Jesus, but many of his acquaintances are HNMNBies and he can't tell the difference.

Yolanda and Angelica take the movement underground for real:
Once the HNMBie movement got started, at a party of Traveler's friends, Yolanda realized, if it exploded out of control, (and it was), every alt right, left, idiot would try to hijack it. Russians would buy twitter ads trying to influence it, dogs would do unmentionable things to cats, no, this idea needed adult supervision. 

So with the help of Angelica they passed the word, keep a low profile. This is the origin of the second rule of HNMNBie.

Today, only HNMBie ambassadors, wear a pin, or bumper sticker. About 1/2 of them are attorneys, or paralegals. HNMBies are not a secret society by any means, but we don't publish our roster either.  It is really just a social club, Rotarians. Lions, us, well with a lot of cryptography including a crypto currency mixed in. It aspires to be a meritocracy. There are standards of excellence each of us met and must meet to be invited.

It probably would have all blown over and the movement joining the ranks of the pet rock, except that Yolanda, Gloria, Angelica and Traveler, joined forces to create a cryptocurrency backed by real gold. As the world disintegrated the value of H coin climbed 6,872% at its peak before settling in at about 5,700 x value of gold at the time of the coin creation.

= Origin of HNMNBie
It began in Washington DC, October 2002 with the snipers that shut down the city for three weeks. A CISO workshop was scheduled at the Hyatt. Hotel, city itself, became a ghost town. But the cybers met anyway in the lobby, bars, any place with chairs that was open, talked about their common problems, promising solutions, serendipity and clairvoyance.

Meetings like this have happened before, will happen again, most of what gets developed peters out, entropy will not be ignored. By the fortune of timing, they were riding a macro trend, cybersecurity, money, talent, problems, opportunities, would funnel their way. No brotherhood here, bunch of loners, misfits, some criminals, Muhammeds looking for their Cyber Malvos. Overwhelmingly caucasian males, sorry if that offends, I am merely the teller of this tale. On that note, if you are hoping to hear that the white hats formed one group, black hats another and they fought each other for eons in an epic struggle of good versus evil, I am sorry to disappoint. But some of them did refrain from stupid acts that would ruin their chance of holding a clearance or working for a large bank, or perhaps they just didn't get caught.

They are all pretty much gone today, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, hair and teeth falling out, price of growing old; a few remain doing volunteer work at their local hospital, or planting gardens. Started a bunch of businesses before they kicked, many of those were bought by bigger businesses and those by still bigger businesses, food chain in the ocean back when there was fish. Right, wrong, good, bad, cybers gravitated to positions of responsibility in some of the most powerful companies in the world, those that had the data.

Even now, 2022, those that are still engaged can relate the feeling of hopelessness, powerlessness. In those days there was a great hunger for an understanding of digital forensics. Police departments could not afford that kind of training. some Einstein made a deal that if they helped with the event, they could attend for free. Once the shooting started people hoped that having a hundred law enforcement officers would keep them safe, hah, their agencies called them back, open season on snipers. People lived in such terror afraid of bits, bytes, packets, bullets, earthquake, mass destruction.

Each of those is a business opportunity, make Maslow's hierarchy of needs a bit less painful and impersonal. People had tried to sell the sense of security and hope before, ancient Roman burial clubs, eventually morphed into burial insurance, (die knowing your loved ones will not have to pony up for your funeral). Bomb shelters were commonly built into new suburban homes during the cold war eventually morphing into safe rooms. Antivirus became Internet Security and then every sort of "AI" imaginable, but not very useful, lots of backups for the home and small business, data to tape for secure offsite storage proved to be an alternative. They companies with the data, at least the ones with a lick of sense had their own internal soup to nuts security.

So while it is true that technology doesn't change anything in some sense, the Blockchain, secure communications and storage, AI monitoring, truly portable computing. People would pay to feel safe, obviously a bunch of fakers and charlatans charged at the opportunity, but as the smoke cleared, a few of these organizations, founded by ideas and the braintrust back in Washington DC that fateful October stood tall because they delivered results.

Did they make a boatload of money? Not really, they ran into the law of diminishing returns. As they grew, their demanding clients wanted more and more bases covered, which required tapping into more and more expertise of more and more esoteric subjects.

Some of these companies rose to preeminence by paying more for experts and passing the cost to customers, NFL before a salary cap. Eventually, these failed under their own weight. It wasn't flashy, didn't make the headlines, but the winners in the game, the ones still working today, did a lot of OJT, a lot of giving proven workers off the street a chance to learn the esoteric arts that combine to provide a semblance of security. If you have a track record of showing up on time, putting in a full day, keeping an open mind, we can probably train you and when you master that skill; pay you a living wage.

Not to be judgmental, just relating history, but as the companies grew, their successful hires tended to be what was termed politically liberal. They tended to favor electric cars, solar power, food that had nutritional content and eschew silly waste like one cup coffee containers. Do or don't believe in the epistemological weighting hypothesis, but they tended to hire and team up with more people like them. Soon influencers, the otters of that time, place, and philosophy began to gather and guide thoughts. The most influential of all was XXX who believed that skills should pay, that their should be some sort community of skilled workers, (also hardly a new idea, at least she didn't call it a guild). She ran a boutique agency with touch. Usually, you feel like processed lasagne when you deal with these firms, but if you got vetted by YYY, you could bet that some of the Maslow belonging would be part of the package right down to tough love when it was needed. But nothing is free. Both employers and job seekers paid, earned points, gave and received reviews, but all boutique, harp with one string, that set of core skills that made people feel secure.

All the pieces were in position Malcom Gladwell style. Who could have known the viral moment that would produce one of the most interesting organizations in the history of mankind would be "that guy". But so it was. Among this population group his approval rating eventually dipped below 20%, Uber would have fired him aeons ago. For some it was quasi-religous, for others a rebellion, statement, desperate hope, a gag. You name it, doesn't matter, the result was a groundswell.

= HNMNBie Practice
If you are HNMNBie, you are considered a liberal. In the United States that makes you a minority. Sometimes you will be in uncomfortable situations. We recommend the HNMNBM Nomadic Guide when traveling to locate businesses and states that are respectful of and courteous to our kind.

Consider joining, a mailing list by and about your neighborhood for local businesses, services, and issues.

If you are a HNMNBie, ALWAYS have personal contact with local Law Enforcement Agencies. Join civil defense. If your persona is DoD BG Search rated, join Infragard, listen to “The Wily Hacker” speech for the 4th time, press the flesh and exchange business cards. All that crap about spy moles in the cold war, all of that applies right now.

Angelica, in particular, envisioned a meritocracy. In a world that was starting to belittle the benefits of college education, the top firms were seeking PhDs with usable skill sets ,or qualifications to be a professor of practice from or at an accredited institution of higher learning. And they would pay fair market value for such capability. But how do you get past resume fluff and find the candidate that could actually do the job. The more she studied the problem, the more it was clear would game the system. You can't stop that, but you can make it harder. They finally settled on the idea of BlueZangle, a Blockchain family of skills based accreditations. Proof of identity, time, date, and exactly which KSAs you were tested on were built into the binary instantiation of your certification. A certification didn't get you into the club, usually took more than one, the major, minor concept, but to be invited to the BZAdvisory Board, (BZA), you had to be a one per center of a certification with a statistically significant number of certificate holders.

What makes me qualify asked Wonk?

Business progeny. We already have a betting pool on the date you become a billionaire.  After all, if a business isn't worth a billion, it isn't really interesting. Most of us have at least one minor as well, you have defeated two different grand masters in Escrima, that has to count for something.

Business entrepreneur falls under management of the three major families, completed by engineering and infrastructure. The idea is to do well while doing good.

= HNMNBNet centralized, encrypted, Blockchain authenticated, very hard to spoof or eavesdrop

= Engineers and TechValhalla over 70% of HNMNBies are techies, the movement grew out of Seattle/Bellvue

= Did HNMNBies sponsor Up and Out?


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