Master death file - persona

Proximity alarm, turn right, turn right. Gizmo shoved the stick to the right, added a bit of throttle, up or down he wondered. Wham, something hit the left wing of the plane, losing control, looking for a landing, any landing. There, freshly plowed field. As busy as he was trying to maintain control, Gizmo had the time to cross himself, for some ridiculous reason the pilot's prayer flashed through his stressed mind, "our controller, who art in tower."

The Gulf Stream was trashed. Any landing you can walk away from. Gizmo was OK, except for the spots in front of his eyes and the searing pain along his shoulder blades. Damn harness, never did care for them. His go bag was strapped in as always, reached in, pulled out the red case, opened it, put his ID, phone and anything in his pockets inside. Carefully, very carefully, set the incendiary bomb for 30 seconds, laid it on top of his phone, sometimes you gotta go, this is one of them.

Too bad, that was a really high quality persona. Actual birth, unrecorded death, real first hand contacts, all kinds of tickets including a pilot license. It couldn't be helped. Gizmo had to keep moving. He could use his back up phone, but not until he was serviced by a different tower. Mexican trying to hitchhike in the West, let me know how that works out for you.

A day, week, another went by. Most Americans don't know it, but there is a “death master file” with the Social Security Administration. It alerts, ideally, within a month after you stop generating data. Credit card purchases, bills, airplane tickets, are all part of your heartbeat. That's why personas are so hard to maintain, full time job, you need a real birth complete with certificate, immunization records, school grades and on into adulthood. And don't think "home school" beats the system, there is an entire AI just to check that.

Dozens of  major agencies host the data centers that store all the data, sometimes they call them silos, since 9/11 and the "need to share" lesson, they are cross-connected, internally collaborated, Tab A into Slot B, and if it doesn't fit try again and again and again.  Internally, it is referred to as “the mosaic effect”, the picture of you, or your persona, is fragmented, but more accurate and complete than one might guess.

The death file alerted. An analyst is assigned. There is physical evidence of a plane crash, some fool trying to prove the earth is flat with a steam powered rocket is the culprit, you can see the intersection on a radar plot. But no body in the plane, teeth or bones would be left, prints either. Evidence of thermite though, plane was torched. Drug smugglers? With a Gulf V? High enough priority to send to 3 letter agencies, actually that is just a formality, they already know.

All that data can work against the government with Blue Circle personas. The photograph. The last time anyone audited, U.S. agencies had collected 873 million photographs of 322 million people, (almost the entire population of the U.S. plus selected outsiders). These photos are digitized so they can be searched by XML queries. However, the actual Blue Circle member is never the person in a persona photograph, close enough to look like them, every person on the earth has about 6 people that look enough like them for it to work, the trick is finding them.

A farm truck pulled over and Gizmo was able to climb into the bed. Just 20 - 30 minutes and he could power up his back up phone. Heck of a day.


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