Rhea mythology + Bandi done

XXX Tremblay was a long way from Quebec. The trip was a gift from his parents to the fresh engineering graduate. See the world they told him, we did, that's how we met. Like most French Canadians, he started out in France, but just wasn't comfortable. The French, this was a long time ago, 1997, could not, would not, tolerate his accents. When he spoke in French, they replied in English, a language he spoke, not fluently, and certainly didn't think that way. He had the struggle with language his son, Guy, would inherit.

Why Greece? Why not. He still had money, his backpack, took the train eating bread and cheese mostly, good stuff, it's great to be young.

On XXX, he found work in an archaeological excavation, (they dig a lot in Greece), sifting sand for shards. That is where he Dr. XXX. To call it love at first sight would be to stretch the truth beyond its limit, they worked together for three months, before he was able to entice her into a cup of coffee at the local XXX. Afterwards, they walked around the little village, holding hands, kissed at the end. They were comfortable with one another even though she was six years his senior.

= = =

Guy looked up, his mother was working in the garden. She was so beautiful, perfect posture even when pulling weeds, sun shining on her hair, highlighting accents of raven black, sable brown, the occasional rebellious red. He had a sense of pride, she was serene even though her job was in jeopardy, she seemed to know everything would work out.

= = =

To help ends meet Rhea worked as a trainer at the local XXXdog place where Traveler gets the bone for CodyXXX. She loved the puppy class, they were all so pure, so eager to please, such a mess, whoops, where's the mop. People with problem dogs could sign up for one on ones. As she was cleaning up, preparing to leave she saw a man walking by the window to the door with a GSD puppy in tow. He came up to the training area.

The man, older, well dressed, tweed wool slacks, off white linen shirt that had probably been pressed a few hours ago, but looked like a plastic topo map now, introduced himself and Bandi. Here are his records, his shots are up to date. He has been a bit of a pistol, can you work with him.

Bandi the puppy looked up. Somehow was in trouble as a Blue Circle dog, sensed he was on the verge of flunking out, and he wasn't even six months old yet. When he saw Rhea, he knew he was home. The quickly went through the puppy commands, SIT, WAIT, STAND, COME, HEEL, easy, German breeds are good at memorizing and performing. The problem was something else, consistent, calm, control was good, needed, not enough. The Grecian beauty loved animals, people said she was one with animals, not until now.

To say they connected is an understatement. Blue Circle dogs have been bred for all the same things centuries of canine generations yield: conformance, character, performance, disposition dating back to the first wolf that lay down at the shared fire. But in the past 100 years or so, the focus was on language and communication. How many words does a dog know? Many experts as recently as a generation ago would say perhaps as many as a hundred. Recently, a thousand plus has been proven. Blues have the thousand plus all right, but more, they can use language to communicate.

Have you ever noticed your faithful hound looking you straight in the eye, unblinking? That trait separates them from the other animals. What are they trying to do? They are trying to communicate, talk, reason with you. It must be frustrating, we know they have words, they are intelligent, they think, they want, they can even forgo immediate gratification if something else is more important. But they can't talk, they can bark, whimper, growl, scratch with their paws, all for naught. Not so with Bandi and his close colleagues. They can't empath with every human, some are just too full of themselves to hear another voice, any voice, including Bandi's. Rhea got the message loud and clear, her heart started racing, this can't be happening, she felt Bandi on several levels, his emotional needs, desire to be listened to and to listen, and his words.

The man knew. He quietly explained. She was training a dog for service. They would be expected to appear monthly for group work. The expectations were clearly listed in the paperwork that he brought. The pay was good, but at the end of three years, she would have to give him up for the work he was destined for. After that, if she was emotionally able, giving up a dog with that kind of bond shreds your world, another Blue Circle puppy would be available.

= = =

Rhea was home alone. XXX was out, probably drinking with his buddies. Guy was over at Wonk's they spent a lot of time together, but he seemed like a good kid, she was glad her son had a friend. The front door opened, they lived in a good neighborhood, she didn't think to lock it. A man disheveled, prison garb, a manacle on one hand, the other free, burst into the house. No time to think, she jumped up, arms out, dominant, "my house, get out, leave". The man looked at her and then at Bandi.

He didn't bark, if he growled it was so low you couldn't be sure you heard it, still a puppy, not even a year old, the escapee and the canine locked eyes. Rhea felt the chill wash over her. It was ancient, otherworldly, stretching back to the first wolf, death was at the door in this room. Bandi, maybe, the man, certainly, Rhea, not a chance. Not all humans can hear evolved dogs, but perhaps the puppy was shouting a bit. The convict left the house, was soon apprehended by the authorities, only a brief escape from his transport, Lakewood officials are reviewing their procedures to prevent a reoccurrence.  Rhea and Bandi declined media requests for an interview.


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