The striped tail lemur girl dream

When Charles Vanderbilt the boat boy formerly known as Stephen Paddock was able to speak with Wonk on the Sat phone he said

This is a bit wierd, but I had this dream, very vivid, and it concerns you. May I share? By all means.

A father in a village lost his daughter, life was hard and there was not much love. As he was walking along the path or mud road, a ring tailed lemur climbing in the mountains high above with her conspiracy missed a jump from rock to rock, fell through the emergents, into the rain forest canopy and out of a tree to the ground, slightly injuring her front left paw. Filled with compassion he walked over the lemur that was having trouble walking.

Perhaps you can walk on your two hind feet like I do, so the lemur did. He took the wounded animal home and put it his daughter's bed to rest. The lemur said, I can resist the natural forces of nature, but only for a few days.

As the leopard slept, he put one of his daughter's dresses on it, and noticed the lemur's hair was receding. The next morning the lemur awoke, stood on her back two feet and went outside. There she met the closest playmate of the daughter of the man that had cared for her.

The friend was sad, I want to go to the other side of the river to get coffee for my family, but it has been raining and the bridge failed years ago. Gather your friends together said the leopard, we can do this. They took an old unused boat and a very rusty truck that still ran and attached the boat where the cab of the truck used to be bringing the controls into the boat. The finished product look like the amphibious CCKW/DUKWs from the Korean war. The children piled in the boat truck and the lemur girl drove them across the river to the coffee farm.

Even later, one of the kids mentioned that they had run out of coal for cooking. The lemur girl, told him to bring a lump, she smelled the lump walked around in the forest smelling, and then scratched the earth, there was a vein of coal.

Everyone was happy, but then her playmate noticed the lemur's tail peeking out of the dress. You are a lemur, she exclaimed. Shhhh, said the lemur girl, there is one more thing I must do before I return to the forest. She had noticed the man was lonely, his wife and daughter had died. But there was one more girl, of marriageable age in the village, the playmate. Make some coffee she said, and bring it to the man. When he drank the coffee, his eyes were opened and he saw his daughter's playmate was no girl, his mind had simply frozen her in time remembering how she used to be, she was a grown woman.

The leopard girl knew her time in the world of men and woman had ended. She took off the dress, folded it carefully, placed it on the daughter's bed and left for the forest. Soon, perhaps, the new couple would have a new daughter to wear it.

So what do you think it means, Charles asked Wonk? Don't know, but if you think the interpretation is that it is OK to date a girl half your age, check the return address because that would be wrong, you are in Madagascar, not Alabama.

That said, somehow life finds a way on that island, more perhaps than anyplace in the world, your experience with the rats means I am certainly not going to discount your dream. And it's odd, Yolanda was talking about working with PNWRV to build some carbon fiber amphibious vehicles as we expand on Depository II. Thank you very much for taking your precious moments to share that.


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