The plague - Madagascar - Depository II

The plague is from the Middle Ages right?

Well, it existed in the 1400s, yes. We have solid archeological evidence that the bacterium, yersinia pestis, that causes plague has existed in Europe for about 5,000 years. And it still exists today and not just in Madagascar, in fact, they do a reasonable job of keeping it under control all things considered.

So is it some kind of super pest?

Not really, it is actually fairly easy to control with antibiotics, of course with any beastie that has been around that long, the fear is that it will mutate to a resistant variety.  It is already able to spread essentially as a type of pneumonia, coughing, sneezing, that makes it hard to contain.

Will that impact the work on the depository?

Dr. Jean-Joseph Frah smiled, you don't pay me enough to tell you the future, but probably not. The depository is for all intents and purposes, a mine. The government in Madagascar understands mines, gives out permits for mines, even knows there will be environmental impacts to mines, though that is not the case this time.

This is a classic Circle approach. Money listing the mine as a source has been used to fund Up and Out, micro loans for businesses and so forth. The result is a community that is already more stable than most. IsraAID, via Gloria, has established the yam preserve, a natural area designated for indegenous yams, a major food source on Madagascar, which has 40 species of yams, 30 are found only on the island. When rice is in short supply, yams move to the head of the line. There are now several "rat free" compounds including the village that has grown up around the mine with help from Angelica and her robotic traps.

Can I tell you a coughing person will not spread the plague? No. But there is medical care, so far, at least, it is easily treatable. The community is a stable "island" on an unstable island. Here is the report to date with copies of all transactions, hands Wonk a thumb drive. Thanks for the coffee, that is quite an interesting mug, I think I will keep it in a cupboard though.


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