500 kilometers Madagascar to Mother Africa Diary of Andur

Tomorrow at first light we leave. I shall miss the Baobobs and the sand. We set a course to find
the continent of Africa in search of freedom. Wayfarers have done it before, made the crossing and returned. They tell of a land with water, a place we can be free.

The good news about the endeavor is that you just sail West, you can't miss it. The bad news is everything else. But before the colonization it was 1 or 2 fool hardy rats, sea scouts, to a boat, 3 - 5 boats to a mischief.

Now the burrow has embarked on a course of putting the whole kit and kaboodle to sea. The war is not going well on the island. Grafgh had been such a fool to pick a fight with the neorats. Now burrow by burrow we are being systematically destroyed, genocide, soon only the true blood neos will remain.

As Southern rats we had a bit more time. Water is very scarce here, their infantry cannot cross long distances without supply trains. We had a bit more time to prepare for the crossing. Good thing that.

The Fabio tree works best for us. Wayfarers can make lighter, faster, boats from woven reeds, but for the crossing we need stable, but slower rafts. Navigation is fairly simple,  D – Distance in rat lengths, S – Speed portion of  a rat length traveled in 1/8 day T – Time in day portions. It's a long journey, a full life span of a neanderat.  The real problem is water.

The plan is 12 wayfarer boats, one rat per boat, 8 does, 4 bucks. That will make room for their supplies and 1 rat rescue if needed. We have finished 12 rafts as well, 4 does to a raft, 1 buck sea scout, that leaves room for our precious cargo, water. Even if a boat or two is lost, it is enough to establish a burrow.


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