First neorat truth table

Cahali crouched in the darkness, small cleft of clay on the canal bank. She was OK, she had eaten some berries and wasn't in the mood for another fight wih a rivert or forest rat. She had survived being attacked by spinning with her sharp stick and ramming it right into the mouth of the rodent trying to bite her haunch. The stick pierced his throat. He struggled to remove that damaging object, ran off when it was finally free. She had picked it up, very pleased with herself.

She could see she was smarter that that animal, different than the attacker. How would I know? What makes me different? It was the stick, a tool, that she had fashioned carefully gnawing the one edge. There is at least one thing that makes me different that the quarrelsome rat. I have a tool that I built, I AM different. That rat didn't have a tool, because he doesn't know how to build tools, same as any other rat, he is NOT different. She wasn't sure why it was important, but she knew it was.

Using the small stick, doodling in the clay to help her organoid enhanced brain think about this she made a table in the mud for tool and not tool. Tired from the mental effort she lay down to sleep, tool close by. When she woke up and looked over her work and felt a great peace. Cahali, the first neorat in the wild, had constructed a truth table and uncovered the AND, OR operators. She would pass this understanding to her children and they to theirs. Somehow this was very important, carefully, she moved out of the crease by the riverbank, tool in hand, went off to begin her day.


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