Rise of the neanderat 1.10

Glyph, son of HQ17E, a Neorat, was a hornbuck like his forefathers. He was not satisfied with the does of the Neorats, too docile, picky, clean and often sterile. He left burrow and mischief on his wild adventure, gutter rats, city rats, it did not matter to him. He probably impregnated over 1,000 does.

He made history, father of the Neanderats. His mongrel offspring were similar to Rattus Norvegicus, the brown rat, but far superior. Rattus Neander were smaller, shorter lifespans, crawlers all, less of the organoids when compared to dying populations of Neorats, but true to the distant generations they were spawned from, they lived and died fast. Fighters, Neorats, if you could find one, thought of them as barbarians.

Within a few years the brown rat was gone from Madagascar, no place for them in city or forest. Braggl, son of Argah, son of Glyph, a great buck chief made the fatal mistake of trying to take over the habitats of the Lemrats. His reason seemed sound to burrow war councils, they had overwhelming numerical superiority. They simply had to throw rats at the problem.

It worked the first time. The Lemrats had no idea it was coming, their burrow open for the taking, Neanders ate the young and killed all the rest. It was a nice burrow, well situated, they had no use for the tools of the former residents, threw them outside into the forest.

It never worked again. Both Neanderats and Lemrats have language, but the latter know how to use it on a kingdom scale. The word went out burrow to burrow, be ready. Entrances were fortified, only one rat could pass at a time, a strong warrior could hold a door for hours and when he finally fell and was dragged out of the way, he was replaced by the next rat. When burrows were under attack, their neighbors would rally to help. The Jograt sword, unchanged for generations, used by Lemrats was improved  and new weapons were developed. Soon, they had spear and bow and after that, a gun that fired a projectile using compressed air. The robotic rat traps from generations ago were useless at catching either species, but they were very helpful for disposing dead soldiers' bodies.

The Neanderats were pushed mostly to the South into the desert.


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