Chapter 5 Summary

Traveler and Wonk are the first to drive to Iron Springs for the H Coin ICO. They arrive before check in, so they pop up to Ocean Crest for a late lunch, return and set up the network. Traveler and Wonk have two important conversations:
- The underpinnings of H Coin are squeaky clean, it is not an attempt at a black market currency
- The heritage of Yolanda and her religious belief journey, Catholic, NeoPuritan, Mysticism, (Kaballah) and mention enneagram score of 8.

Yolanda and Ahuva arrive, Wonk and Ahuva go for a walk.

Traveler tries the SCHMBS short sword, needs work. Skip rolls in on his bike. Night, sleep, the action is tomorrow.
Next morning Gizmo, Pedro, his son, and Angelica arrive on a No Problem Airways DeHavilland  Twin Otter doing a beach landing at Copalis. 

Traveler and Angelica set up a private key and have the "Trust Your Higher Power" discussion. They remember singing Alice's Restaurant back when they were younger.

Yolanda, Traveler, and Angelica share a glass of wine and Traveler asks Angelica about wildfire robots.

The meat of this chapter is the Initial Coin Offering key signing with Gizmo, Traveler, Wonk, Angelica, Yolanda, Skip, and Gloria via presence. The coin is trustmarked by Controller from crypto valley. Each of the first level holders has the ability to branch the coin with a genesis block. 
Two have to nominate someone to first level, with a vote.  High Table, Traveler, Gizmo and Yolanda have 1B shares. Angelica, and Skip are in for .5B and Gloria, Controller and Wonk are fractional.

Later, Gizmo tells Traveler he is concerned about what Yolanda might do with her block.

Wonk has his second of three sexual experiences with Yolanda, tonight is Tantra. 
He asks his 3 questions:
          What do you plan to do with your branch
          What are the Children of Yolanda

          Am I a clone

We learn that Yolanda had a brief time with the NeoPuritan church and it did not go well. Wonk spends some time with Ahuva before leaving.

The next morning Wonk, and Pedro and Angelica go South to Ocean Shores. They run into a deranged sex dollbot that Angelica wrangles after it self derived a goal.

There is another discussion of Traveler's carbon fiber contribution, which quickly reminded everyone they are participants.

When Wonk got back home he and Guy were talking. Guy asked if he could buy in to H coin, Wonk told him it would be possible. They have a discussion about Eli Gallen's digital portraits. Guy brings up the church of AI and that he has a picture created from a unique filter with embedded information.
A strange message comes in, a troll note from 2018, Wonk has a flash of insight to solve the riddle. It appears to be related to the church of AI.

Angelica accepts Traveler's invitation to fire camp to see if her operation could create robots that can help clear combustible material to help contain wildfires.

She had been thinking in terms of large robots, but realized small lightweight ember hunters were important as well.


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