D Carrie Chapman abducted by Polish Special Forces

It was snowing by the time Wonk arrived at the vigil for Pearson and Jeanette, two PSEs killed in an audacious midnight raid. All the data indicated the attackers were from a radical fringe group of Polish special forces. Wonk's team had been hired as the protective force for Carrie Chapman, a human rights advocate named after the famous suffragette. She had the audacity to speak of Polish citizens that had worked several death camps, including the notorious Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland.

Wonk was grieved at the deaths of the PSEs, tortured by the thought his client was now a prisoner of a Polish military faction. He did notice that the brotherhood/sisterhood of the PSE was still strong. All of their surviving cohort was there and most of the local Up and Out program.

Gary Chapman, Carrie's brother, said to Wonk, I never thought the Polish law to fine or jail people who blamed Poland or Poles for Nazi atrocities committed on its soil during World War II would stick. There are forces trying to rewrite history to strike any mention of the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Jews at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. But to think they would attempt to apply these laws outside of their borders is preposterous.

Wonk nodded, the country has become more nationalistic every year. They are the thought leaders of Europe’s far-right movements. It you listen to their newscasts, you commonly hear phrases like, "God, honour, homeland", "Not red, not rainbow but national Poland". But what should have been a warning sign was "One nation across the borders".

Gary nodded, but seemed not to take notice of Wonk's point. To abduct a US citizen on American soil is preposterous. Well it was, the string of poor presidents and dysfunctional congress term after term seem to have brought us low.

It was a simple service, that's how PSEs roll. The exit was interesting, the uninitiated would not realize how all the cars were strategically placed, within a minute they were gone. A dapper man, Wonk did not recognize, with a sport coat and yellow socks approached the two men.

Poor buggers, they didn't stand a chance. Satellite shows 14 of the Rad Poles, came in on CRRCs, killed your team with the heavies, scooped Ms. Chapman, out in 2, wish we could perform like that, he said a bit wistfully.

Wonk stopped, now the gentleman had his full attention. I'm Wonk, held out a hand. David, the man replied with a firm, practiced, handshake. Handed Wonk a business card, I'll be in touch. The second Wonk touched the card, he felt the slight vibration, smiled and waved at David, and as he and Gary walked away, he was thinking, there's never a Faraday cage when you need one.


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