D Dilly Dilly, Traveler and Leilani Done 1.10

They were both standing up, on the beach with the table in the grass behind them. No words were said by the lovebirds, no need.

She answered that question every couple asks during a first date, took his head with both hands and initiated a gentle kiss. Then they hugged, kissed again, more passionately, then hugged again. Ever so quietly Leilani began to sing the ancient nursery rhyme.

Lavender’s green dilly, dilly, lavender’s blue
If you love me, dilly, dilly,
I will love you.

Let the birds sing, dilly dilly, and the lambs play
We shall be safe, dilly, dilly,
out of harm’s way.

Traveler noticed the goosebumps. It’s never really cold in Hanalei, but the moist breeze will not be denied and she was a wisp of a girl. Time to take her home.


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