D Eli, Harold's phone pic, PRNU, mystery Done 1.7

Eve.AI, realizing the import of the news, was goal directed to call in a human for analysis, who? The closest match she had was Angelica, she was a robot wrangler and a robot is just an AI with servo motors.

Angelica's AI said she could not be scheduled, however, she had a goal to honor the Circle connection.  After looking at the problem set, recommended Tom Cornea, a forensicator that specialized in mobile devices. He was also one of the only people in Bellingham with a PSE.Chain.of.Custody certification. His trustmark could link the phone at the scene of the crime to the image.

Eli made an appointment to see him at his lab. Crowded, lots of phones and equipment, but clean and well organized, (forensics labs must always be ready for inspection to keep their seals).

Tom was a get right down to business kind of guy, give the customer what they need shown them the door kind of guy, but he was working on his people skills, so he tried a joke. "Hey Eli, do you know why politicians live long lives? (Bing batta boop) Because they di late!" Get it?

Eli, who makes his living pleasing well-off people, gave a little smile and soft laugh, and then waited.

So I guess you are here to see the phone and photo, said Tom.
Eli nodded.

Here's the phone, Tom said pointing at an evidence bag and here's the picture of interest, though, I must tell you, he said conspiratorially, there are a number of interesting photos on his phone. Lucky we could get in, Q's can be impossible to break, 2096 keys and all, but he had his pass code written down in his wallet, apparently, it's b01dface, might want to write that down, and be sure to press the hex keyboard button or it won't work.

Hex keyboard?
You may call it the extended keyboard, whatever you use to dial freenet numbers.

And here's the picture, and there is my report tying it to the phone collected by Officer Fiero, PSE.

And why are you sure this is the same camera? Eli knew he would be asked by Circle and wanted to dial in the facts.

Tom nodded,  buried in the camera signal, there's noise. I focus on known photo-response non-uniformity (PRNU), that can help identify unique devices, as in a particular phone. This type of digital forensics has lots of supporting case law. It has been applied in courts internationally in cases involving child exploitation material. Bottom line, every phone camera has a unique fingerprint. That was Harold's Q phone. Whatever else happened is beyond my realm, but that is the phone that was used to shoot that image.

So, what you are telling me is he was tied down. His phone was used to take a picture of himself being chocked to death by a prominent Flat Earth Politician.

Tom nodded again, bobble head, funny, he didn't look Indian, You know who that is? That's Cristina Carmera, Senate Whip. You can see she takes her job title seriously.

Yes, exactly, replied Eli. You have the phone, with picture intact? Report with your investigator seal. And let me guess, if I act right now I can get the whole shebang for the low, low price of?

Well, not so fast said Tom. I wanted you to see this, because Fiero's report says you are the closest thing to next of kin Harold had. I duplicated his Subscriber Identity Module and put it in a clone phone. I have a private room through that door if you want to pay your respects to what's left of Harold, he even had a chatbot.

But you aren't selling me the package?

HNMNBie News Network has offered me .15 H Coin for it.
Eli whistled, taken aback for two reasons. That was a lot of money. And, while he wasn't in Yolanda's orbit, he had certainly done business with and for her. He knew with every fiber of his being that deep state would know that Yolanda has the phone, pictures, and the chain of custody proof. And while deep state tried to be politically neutral, they would certainly favor Flat Earth over HNMNBie.

Tom, thanks for the offer to leaf through Harold's life, but I am better off not knowing, one question though, were any prints or DNA recovered from the phone? I guess the question I am asking is, who took the picture?


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