D Gloria and Yolanda have a presence sessionl about Wonk Done 1.7

PRESENCE: I always knew Wonk was driven, Yolanda beamed to her sister Gloria while sitting in a high wing back chair, but what I don’t understand is what drives him.

Gloria nodded, when Wonk runs across lukewarm customer service, or inefficient business it bothers him to the core of his being. You’ll think he’s with you, but he isn’t really. I’ll be talking about spring flowers and he will suddenly pipe up and says something out of left field like, Why wouldn’t you serve the customer? What wouldn’t you make your business as efficient as possible? And he’s all jacked up when he says it, it is clearly bothering him.

Look Yo, he is a complicated ejaculation, get this, he says his business is centered around personal service. But given his druthers, he goes to cashierless, registerless stores and restaurant delis, grab and go.

Yolanda chuckled, that is what botxennials are supposed to do.
Wonk is too young to remember the Sunday comic, Richie Rich, the poor little rich boy, born after the era of thick newspapers on Sunday with color comic strips. He’s headed that way though, he’s making money by the dump truck, but has maintained his innocence.

Well, at least some innocence, Gloria said with a wicked smile.  Unless you understand the way Wonk’s mind works, it would seem odd that he was mussing and fussing about money at all. With Wonk, it’s not about money, he sleeps in a bunk bed at his parent’s house for Pete’s sake, it’s how things work or #FAIL.

Don’t forget to invite him for tea, he’s starting to get pretty booked up, nagged Gloria.

I’ll do it right now sis, love you.


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