D Little girls don't stay little forever

Look Yolanda, I get it, said Angelica. You do realize that the first group that tried to build that monument got trashed. The CEO had his self-drive burned while he was in it. Motorcycle drove up, smashed a Molotov on his hood.

He is only alive because he saw a firetruck parked that was responding to a fire already, overrode autopilot, and crashed into the back of it so they could put him out.

Plus, there is no way this will stay out of the news. Being a roboticist these days has some very bad connotations. Mix that with the fact that some people quietly support . . .

Angelica, this is your choice, but what happened to those girls is wrong. People need to remember what happened to those female gymnasts at MSU forever; that team doctor perv is a classic example of a Name that Must Never again Be Mentioned. And about the violence and the attention, I have an idea. Gizmo has a facility in Hawaii.  He just wrote me yesterday talking about a bunch of advanced robotic students, girls, big, tough girls, they call their team The Robotitas. They were trained by exchange senior high school students from Korea, they are good, they are creative, they don't take crap from anyone. And they are local girls on the Big Island, Robustos try to give them trouble, it will come back to them double. You supply the parts, they design and build the memorial.  Angelica nodded and handed Yolanda a business card with a credential chip, when they need gear, have them contact this Circle company, it is woman owned, but far away from the HNMNBM movement.


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