D Gold Bar Night Fighters

Commissioner Sonny Davis picked up the phone to call Wonk, then decided what the heck, it would only be a 20 minute drive to talk in person. Eve was able to set up a time on Thursday. Wonk was still running his businesses out of his flagship men's spa, Backcomb.

Welcome sir, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, asked Wonk.
Nice day to be out, though breezy, lost my hat twice. I see you still have a bare office, I remember you telling me it helps you think better. Mine is a clutter magnet, photos, memorabilia from 30 years of service. And in all 30 years, despite no support from a state income tax, we have managed to provide top quality fire and rescue.  As you know,  Snohomish country ran a referendum on increasing the property tax rate to 1.2% to offset the decreasing funding support from Washington DC. It was overwhelmingly defeated. So, now what, he said with his voice trailing off.

Wonk could see where the conversation was headed, but wanted to be careful. So, now, I am guessing . . . you want to talk about Wonk Enterprises PSE services?

Well sort of, Sonny's pale blue eyes were calmly fixed on Wonk's face. We have to do the greatest good possible with the resources we have. Starting in February, we can no longer provide resources to the foothills band, Gold Bar, Verlot, and OSO after work hours, or to put it another way, we cannot service those areas at night.

Wonk's heart and brain were racing, his subscription business model would not work on the Eastern half of the country, heck it would be sketchy 10 miles East of I5. Besides, he had already heard something.

I take it I am not the first person to hear of this news, he said, watching the Commissioner closely. My people have heard of the Gold Bar Night Fighters. he was eating at Prospector's with his wife and they were having an organizational meeting. From what I have been told a lot of testosterone and alcohol were involved.

Mr. Davis was quiet for a moment, things were not going exactly as he had hoped, in his dreams, Wonk had jumped at the chance, in reality he was still and quiet. Well, you can see things from their point of view. If the government can't provide necessary services, then people have to find another way. In fact, isn't that the fastest growing segment of your business? This looks like a tailor made opportunity for you.

Not so fast Sonny, Wonk countered. Number one, take a look at this face, slant eyes, I am proud of my Asian heritage, but Gold Bar is well known for chopping up Chinese historically, and it is still very white today. I don't send my people anywhere I wouldn't go and if I went, I would need a couple of my best. Two, the numbers aren't there, I can't force project that far, they are residents they are already there. Just buy a self driving robotic pumper and let them handle the hoses.

Wonk, don't you feel like you have a responsibility?

Wonk, gave his best attempt at a "Walk in the Clouds", Kenau Reeves smile while under fire. I feel very responsible, emphasis on very. People count on me for their coffee, their WTG tacticals, the gifts they give their loved ones, to be stabilized and transported professionally when they are injured. Responsible for those things, yes, for making choices ignoring growing debt, polarizing the various segments of the nation, no. I have only voted twice and I stood for the property tax increase.

I'm sorry to tell you no, I know you have served the country diligently for many years and thank you for that service. They don't want me, I don't want to lose money putting people in harm's way. It will probably work out better than you think. The US Navy taught every sailor to handle a hose and there are numerous stories like the Belknap when Port and Starboard fire fighting teams were lost, ordinary sailors picked up those hoses. Gold Bar's need is their motivation, don't count them out, "Country Boy Will Survive". And I am happy to work on a protocol to meet someone being transported halfway and take them the rest of the way with an advanced mobile emergency room.


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