D Social media, fake news, JoJo's Chicken

Have you seen this Wonk, Eve asked?

"According to a social media post by the Everett Police Protective Association, the incident involved the employees and manager of an Uncle JoJo’s Chicken ‘n Bar-B-Q harassing officers dining with a rendition of Scott McKenzie's 1967 hit “San Francisco” On Monday, however, police confirmed that no such incident occurred.

“Despite media reports, two officers witnessed one employee make eye contact with them and mouth the words ‘Wear flowers in your hair,” said the Everett Police Department in a statement. “There was no singing. There were no other employees involved. Because of the subtle nature of this act, it was not witnessed by anyone else in the store. However, the employee's mouthing was captured by one of the officer's body cams and analyzed by the department's lip reading AI.”

After the association’s post went viral last week, the restaurant’s social media pages were flooded with racially charged and often threatening comments, many from people who had never set foot in the state of Washington. The social media sites that fanned the flames by promoting the stories have yet to retract their stories.

Uncle JoJo, promised an investigation of his restaurant, saying, "I know the manager and he can't sing", and if there was a guilty person they would be fired and probably replaced by a robot."

Wonk groaned, yeah, both of the officers are graduates of Up and Out, good people. JoJo is a good egg as well and I hate to go a week without his hot smoked chicken. I wish the governor would quit berating the police, it's divisive. Here is what he said yesterday, "The Seattle police are totally unable to stop the deep state security "leakers" that have permeated our government for a long time. They can't even……"

Wonk continued, they can't "even" what? The We don't need innuendo and division, we need leadership. What ever happened to the first state to disallow devices that did not come with replaceable batteries?

Eve waited, ever the wise and skilled, (and now highly paid), executive assistant till she was sure her boss was finished ranting, But the viral post worked on the three largest social media sites, I'm guessing someone has a new pattern.

Wonk's head snapped around, Eve had his full attention, And this was just a test.

Test, she replied, no money in it, local, viral caps at 2 million, not enough for deep state to really flag, however they did it, I would bet we will see it again next time it matters.

In a bet there is a fool and a thief, Wonk nodded, thank you for bringing this to my attention.


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