The math behind the proof of spell - Yolanda

I don't know Gizmo, I think she is becoming unbalanced, Traveler said. I love her, but it is getting harder to relate to her.

OK, but Traveler, you said she explained a bit about the math that goes into Principus, right?

Yeah, it's a two stage data reduction. Stage one is applying the law of thermodynamics to the content destined for the tangible block.

Wait, I thought people had tried to do that before and without great success.

Well, there was an NSA patent, expired long ago to apply it to network traffic. Close enough, didn't need much change, but the big idea was, the NSA approach used a preprocessor, sort by TCP or UDP  or ELSE, | size discriminator | randomness check so the encrypted stuff went down a different path.

What Yolanda has going doesn't preprocess, the thermodynamic algorithm is by nature a data reduction operation, good thing since we are talking, massive data streams, instead, the secret sauce is in the back end.

Post processor?

Yea, this is where I lost the  thread, something about three "master" numbers: 11, 22, 33. The big dog is 22, is incepted more than any other number, she calls it  the Master Builder. The either 11 or 33 is used as a filter. The output of the second stage is what they call the proof of spell.

Sounds dubious, but simple enough, remarked Gizmo.

Oh no. The implementation of both algorithms is hundred thousand lines of code. No way to process the volumes of data required in software, have to use ASICs. She has them built into this big staff with a crystal on top. When its time to cook a batch of crystals, she plugs in her stick. Apparently, there is all kind of hoochee koochee voodoo going on as well.

Get this, the entropy value comes from a pit of snakes. They have sensors and as they wiggle around, that's what they derive random from. And when they visualize the processed data, its like there are entities with eyes. I know this sounds crazy, but it felt like they had somehow opened a gateway to evil spirit land.

OK, that does sound crazy. But, if we believe the kingdom of heaven is at hand, I guess it stands to reason the ruler of this earth can't be far away. How are you doing at divesting your second level H Coin?

Traveler replied, got er done. By Green Bay, I will not have .0000001 H Coin to my name. Gizmo nodded approvingly, same here. I think there is going to be a power encounter there, almost has to be.


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