D Kamchatka's burning Done 1.8

The winds from the East were gusting to 50 KM fanning the wildfires on the Kamchatka peninsula, there was so much smoke navigation was difficult in the Okhotsk sea.

DROP IN: Call request from Anechka Yaroshenko
DROP IN: Urgent call request from Anechka Yaroshenko
PRESENCE: Thank you or taking my call Angelica, look I understand that might be angry with us.
Angry? Why would I be angry? 
Pissed because several hundred HNMNBies have been put into labor camps, or ticked because you never paid for the last order.

Look, we need those fire fighting robots, this is worse than 2022, pleaded Anechka.
I know, I really do. Try to understand the whole planet is burning down. I am back ordered and that's with customers that pay their bills on time.

I'm not calling from the Forestry Agency, they've pretty much given up.
And my robots?
Blue Crescent is operating them.
Blue Crescent?
A loose alliance of corporations. Here is what I am prepared to offer, I can secure the release of the HNMNBies, but they need somewhere to go. I know Traveler is starting to invest in Canada, I will contact him. I can pay for the robots already delivered, H Coin, shoot me an account and I will do it right on the Presence with you. In addition, as a separate transaction, I will put 25% down on another squadron, 2 sawyers, 4 swampers, 12 sweepers, and 1000 of those ember stoppers.
Here's an account code for the last order, Angelica replied. No need to contact Traveler, I can arrange asylum, wildfire robots make me everybody's best friend.
Done, announced Anechka.
H416,808 for the new order.
H104,202 to the same account?
Yes, delivery contingent on the release of the HNMNBies, said Angelica.
I will send you all of their profiles within 24 hours, start thinking about where you want to do the pickup.
Please arrange for 2 charter jets to make pickup at SVO operated by No Problem Airways.
I'll need 5 business days to arrange Sheremetyevo. Pleasure doing business with you Angelica.


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