D Traveler questions Gizmo about Mother Mary Done 1.8

Gizmo, I'm wondering, you're Catholic right, asked Traveler awkwardly.

What tipped you off, asked Gizmo? When I gave up social media for Lent? The medal around my neck? That I make the sign of the cross before I eat? That my password is the name of my confirmation saint spelled backwards? Because I know there's a deeper meaning to St. Patrick's day than green beer? He flashed that big ol Gizmo grin, I'm guessing you're asking for a reason?

Traveler had to laugh at Gizmo's characterization of being Catholic. How important is Mother Mary to you?

Pretty important, Gizmo replied, she was the mother of Jesus, if He had not been born, lived a sinless life, gave it up on the cross for our sins, and then was resurrected on the third day, we would be lost in our sins, might as well get in line for some opiates. Why?

But couldn't God have used anyone, is Mary really that special?

God could have brought Jesus forth out of a rock, I suppose, but that wasn't the plan, God engineered the line of Jesus through Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, that's some fancy footwork, now that I think about it, a rock would have been a lot easier.

Well, why do Catholics have statues of Mary in churches and homes?

Traveler, that house you are staying in has a big stone tiki. Do you bow down and worship it when you get home?

No, Traveler grinned, feeling a bit silly, it is a decoration, meant to evoke Hawaiiana.

Well there you are.

Traveler noticed Gizmo's hand was shaking. Are you OK?

Gizmo smiled, I've got the nerves, probably too much exposure to chemicals boat building. Liver's shot. Pope emeritus Benedict said it best, I'm on a pilgrimage towards home.

But you were just riding your bike?

And it was great, but I took a 4 hour nap afterwards. I have some time left on this earth, hopefully a lot of it will be good days.

The men were quiet for a second. Traveler reflected that Gizmo had always been there, if not immediately present, right around the corner and realized that wouldn't always be true. He waited silently?

Your question about Mary, Gizmo spoke, yes, some Catholics are confused, sometimes just ignorant of what the scripture says. Same is true for Orthodox and Evangelicals though. I think sometimes of the account in Luke of them men walking to Emmaus, walking with Jesus and not even realizing it. I guess we are all like that to some extent. We don't have out faith just right, but we have our faith.

I think about David sometimes in Psalm 38:

I am bent over and racked with pain.
All day long I walk around filled with grief.
A raging fever burns within me,
and my health is broken.
I am exhausted and completely crushed.
My groans come from an anguished heart.

Was he crying to God because he was sick, or was it for his lost child. I've gotten to see my hometown by the ocean become pretty resilient, good thing, the US isn't going to help Puerto Rico. If I can, I would like to try to help build a floating town in Louisiana, Gizmo brightened for a second, I even have a scheme to recycle a lot of plastic, that should do your heart good . . . but my son Pedro, he does not walk in the faith.

He was raised well, in the church. But now that he is a man, he seems to only see the things of this world.


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