D Fight at Pedro's compound 1.9

First one over the wall broke the light plane. The solar lights on the compound wall looked decorative, were decorative; in addition, each one linked to the light on either side. If you want to scale the wall without being sensed, consider poll vaulting.

Office dog heard it too, woo, woo, woo, growl, but those are not empty barks. kane curso mastiff disturbed from his slumber. Wonk was 3,000 kilometers away, but he would tell you alarms and dogs are only part of the solution. How many people have had their security alarm go off, only to crouch in fear in the dark, trying to dial 911, knowing this is moment the bad man is coming. Detection is great, but you also need response.

Pedro's dashboard showed both PSEs in the compound were online, he greenlighted using the sound canon.  Adele's' Rolling in the Deep came on, the funeral dirge version, loud and with harmonies like no one has ever heard.  Sound cannon, the kind they put on cruise ships to disrupt pirates, hit the first guy over the wall, hyper focused pico decibels, brains blew out through his ears; down, his radio still alive though, Jose, what was that?

Super acoustic listening array picked up the question. Pedro couldn't resist, voiced over the music. Why don't you find out what that was?

The home invaders looked at one another, a sense of doubt, confusion, fear. Always before, they were in charge, the force, rulers of the moment. Until now, the inhabitants of the compounds, the homes, were just sheep. They had no way of knowing what kind of dog had picked up on them milling outside the wall, but it didn't sound like a poodle, or a yip yip. The ruffians were used to sheeple, that might not be the case.

The song kept playing, every time the tom tom beat there was physical pain, Jesus was already succumbing to a nose bleed.

Let's take these putas, Rodrigo the leader directed. No point in doubting, we had always followed him, it had always worked out. So they jumped over the wall, and one after another, "could have had it all" were the last words they ever heard on this side of mortality. Maybe there was a message there?

Courtyard filled with dead invaders, not even a knock on the door. Rodrigo ordered a retreat. A few of his people were quick to jump into trucks and leave. Others waited, they weren't leaving till eel jefe left. Rodrigo went to his own car.

Not so fast. Standing in the fog was a man and a large, really mean looking dog. The PSEs warned against going out, but Pedro felt strongly it was time for a change.

You came to my house with violent intent, Pedro said. Your reign of terror is over.
You are nothing said Rodrigo. What are you going to do, fight me like a man?

(The PSE operating the sound cannon was quietly thinking, don't get any closer Pedro.)

Word on the street Rodrigo, is that you are a knifer, is that what fighting like a man is all about, Pedro asked.
I like to see their eyes when I stick them, Rodrigo patted his Ka-Bar Mark II.
And you've still got some of your people here, the man swept his arms in the direction of the bystanders, I take it they are waiting for the show.
A few people are here, Rodrigo said, and you?
My dog's worth a dozen of your people. Pedro moved over to his dog, away from Rodrigo.

The sound of a Coqui frog with a bad case of laryngitis broke the early morning silence. The lights from the truck were shaking, dancing lines of light displayed on the fur of the dog. The men wondered if they were hallucinating. Rodrigo felt his insides go dry, and that with just the tiniest shot from the sound cannon.

I'll say it again, you tried to break into my house. Brought a lot of friends. If I let you go, I am guessing that you will come back again. Even so, I'm willing to do just that.

Whoops ;aughed Rodrigo, my knife is unsheathed, you know what that means kid? You're druggin if you think you can beat me holding a knife.

You should have taken my offer, the man said evenly, who left his dog to close the distance, giving Perpele the STAY handsignal.
Rodrigo heard the following words with his mind, not his ears, "don't underestimate the things that I will do." Somehow that hit Rodrigo really hard, just like it was meant to do, unsteady, pulse, breathing, what the f*&k?

Every fiber in Rodrigo's body screamed kill him now! He lurched at him with his knife. Pedro stepped aside, the dog remained in a  SIT STAY.
Rodrigo's follower's groaned, It wasn't a fight, it wasn't Rodrigo. He was unsteady on his feet, swung his knife at ghosts, phantoms, and then that man from the shadows stuck him again and again. This wasn't a knife fight, it was an assassination, an extermination.

Rodrigo fell. One of his followers raised a handgun, only to join his boss on the other side, sniper took him with a .50 cal. Pedro addressed the survivors. Go now. All of you.

One of them protested, we can't leave men behind, I'm an ex-Marine.
Pedro shook his head, MEN, he said, emphasizing the word, don't break into people's houses. Men, work for a living so they have something to share. Landscape bots were already dragging the fallen and propping them up against the wall. A couple of protective bots positioned themselves between the dead and the living. After the hurricanes and dismay that followed, Puerto Rico had one of the most advanced mobile morgue systems in the world, (and they say FEMA doesn't do anything).

The remaining thieves wondered, who is this guy, sound cannons, snipers, bots, and killed Rodrigo with a puny Every Day Carry, (EDC)?

By morning everyone on the barrio knew the story of mal, mal, Rodrigo Marron and the man that stood up to him, he was meaner than a junkyard dog. Everyone, including his father, Gizmo.

My son, what has happened here? All my life I have tried to help rebuild this barrio without drawing attention to myself. For every Rodrigo, there are a hundred more bad men. And his relatives are going to be thinking solamente para destruir.

Dad, it get's worse. Rodrigo's boss died today. I didn't have anything to do with it. Self-drive left the street, hit him on the sidewalk. The police are investigating.

Gizmo shook his head sadly. Behind such men are others. And they don't think of themselves as bad guys. If you ask them, you will find they are looking out for family, trying to carve a niche. And there's an inexhaustible supply of them. After last night, they will want to blame that death on you as well.

Yes father, exactly, I know. I did not have anything to do with it, don't know anything about it. I was just asleep in my house and men came. It could have happened to anyone. Yes, I had resources and yes, I fought back. Will they show themselves in our barrio again and again?

Gizmo nodded, they will certainly try. If you see the poor oppressed in a barrio, and justice and rights denied, do not be surprised. One corrupt official's position is eyed by a higher one, and over them both are others higher still, the patrons. There are no patrons, no chieftains in our barrio, even in our district. But make no mistake, they will try to come back. And you and your house will be ground zero.

What do I have to do?

Run. That's what we always do when there is too much focus on us. If you agree, I have a line of boats ready to move your household items.

And the house? Where would I go?

 Gizmo smiled. I have purchased the houses next door to you. In fact, the whole block. After what happened, they were thankful to receive a good price. Con su permiso, we will convert it all to a PSE training campus. I can have 100 PSE trainees sleeping there by tomorrow night, men and women that grew up tough, and have nothing to steal. To keep this little spot on the earth free of organized crime, that is a worthy goal.

Go where ever you want, certainly anywhere in the USA, they still accept Puerto Ricans as citizens. But, it would be best if you go now. Somewhere on this island, another meeting is going on. They are considering the same situation we are. But they are going to come to a conclusion that involves violence.

Pedro nodded. Yolanda offered me work in Madagascar. Wonk and Traveler would help me settle in Washington. Uncle Hector would help me settle in little Puerto Rico in Orlando. I know you have something going on in Hawaii. I will do as you say, get on the boats and figure things out.

Gizmo was glad his son was willing to go. May I suggest you go now with your PSEs.  There is still plenty of light. I would advise going West of Cuba to Louisiana. Traveler and I have started a small floating town there. Uncle Hector is a wonderful man, but you will be too easy find in Orlando, what happens on the island, also happens in Orlando. Stay quiet for a month or two on the bayou, then make your move. My people will put anything you leave in storage until you send for it.

The two men hugged, Pedro went inside to grab his go bag and three men and a large black canine went down to the boats.


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