D Package insurance 1.8

The young man was a bit nervous, he was briefing Wonk himself. But Up and Out had been good to him and his family; he had trained for this.

Background Slide:
Report by PSE Johnson, assigned to evaluate on the growing package insurance industry and potential impacts to Wonk Protective Services.

For over a decade most Americans have purchased an increasing number of the products they want and use. This has resulted in a number of "last kilometer delivery issues".

First it was porch pirates. Countermeasures including cameras and property protection bots reduced the number of incidents. Currently that sort of property crime activity is generally attributable to the most desperate of criminals.

Current Condition:
Starting April 6, the dramatic increase in local bomb incidents began. There was a lot of media activity spawning apparent copy cat activity. Last month there were 2,606 package bomb fatalities or injuries nationwide. The Seattle area has been hit particularly hard with 7 bombs in Everett in the past 30 days.

Now, in some neighborhoods they are offering package insurance ranging from the honest, just trying to make a buck, modern equivalent of a cupbearer, to extortion.

Yes sir, Mr. Wonk, I see you have a question.
What is different about this, than say, the Danish Hand grenade period?

Well sir, the short answer is just about everything is different. Let's start with what we know about the actors behind the activity.

They are kids, young people, tech saavy. They used the data harvested from social media to create an OCEAN model: (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) most likely to purchase a product to reduce porch piracy.
- Low weighting on openness, people have been getting product for online shopping for years
- Med High weighting for conscientious, they prefer order, repeatability, reliability
- Med Low for extraversion, they prefer to shop in public, but there is always the factor of being the first on the block with a cool toy
- Med on agreeableness, most people want to get the package they ordered, but their world rarely depends on it
-,High on neuroticism, people prone to anxiety stress about their packages, most of us do not

It's a service people want with media-driven fear of exploding packages, price isn't that high, so what's the catch, asked Wonk, smiling, the kid had clearly done his homework.

Well sir, the first catch is the sophisticated use of the OCEAN model by high school level kids. It is true that it has been around since Cambridge Analytica exploited the commercial potential, but it takes vast data sets to create the model. We knew to look for someone with experience and resources, it didn't take long to find, "the old guy". His name was John, he was an early practitioner in the anti-virus industry. He tends to have a tent near the general population, filled with pretty girl and boy druggies.

Nately's old man from Catch 22, Wonk quietly remarked to himself. And let me guess, an old dog with an old trick?

There is limited proof, but some evidence suggests that in the early days of anti-virus, some of the more unscrupulous companies released viruses that their product was able to protect from, replied PSE Johnson. And then we run into the compounding problems related to labor laws, under age labor.

As state, the core of the business was formed by Up and Outers that never graduated for some reason, but returned to the general population and survived. While some people in that category are well known as the genesis of the Social Justice Party and the third chance, that is not the group we are tracking.

The techies among them managed to harvest the data for targeted marketing, probably with the old guy's guidance. It all looked legit, LLCs, business licenses, 30 years ago they would have called them franchises. But, where they got the people to follow the delivery folks, test and protect the packages is problematic. The kids in general population like to have drug parties, mostly opiates, but there is an upper called crystal meth clique, even some hard core LSD users.

Hector and Chester, Wonk nodded.

Data is dim here. Maybe they started by just picking the ones that came to early enough in the morning to use. Maybe they helped facilitate the parties, they do come out of that world. What we do know is that anyone with experience, that had successfully completed a shift, got paid 1.5 DW Coin so long as they mentored a freshie.

Wonk took this in. Hosting a drug party crosses the line. Hiring cheap labor for a Daily Wage happens, not so much anymore with robots, but still happens. The "next to last one hired" trains the newbie is standard low security prison doctrine. So we have this grey business that appears to be growing and may or may not compete with the very low end of Wonk Protective Services. I take it you have more to share?

Yes sir Mr. Wonk. With the budget cutbacks, local law enforcement tends to have, at most, one bomb squad per state. After the 45th presidency, the FBI was cut down to 2 squads, port and starboard, that mostly focus on Washington DC and the upper mukety mucks there.

Now we are faced with exploding packages everywhere. The bodycount is lower than the rash of Danish Connection hand grenades, but those were sealed off at the border. Package casualties are mounting. These are locally improvised explosives, often based on common household ingredients. Three months ago the Department of Labor released a directive allowing civilian bomb defusement and disposal.

And these kids hopped all over it?

At the drug parties, they have low power Presence nodes with bomb disposal apps. Kids that reach level 10 on the simulation get to ride into the field for the real deal. They get paid 5 DW, after each successful defusing evolution including disposal, they increase by 1 DW per day up to 10.

Druggies defusing bombs, earning 10 daily wages per day, exclaimed Wonk. This puts house painters with liquid lunches to shame, no good can come of it, And of course if they are that good at defusing, they must also know how to build. So you are expecting the problem to get worse?

Perhaps somewhat worse, they may intuitively understand price elasticity, or it could be natural selection, building bombs while high is dangerous, either way, the problem seems to be self capping. However, it is a little like the camel's nose in the tent. Once they establish a beachhead in a community, they begin to offer other services.

Which may or may not be wanted, but are not optional, sort of like paying organized crime for protection?

Yes sir.

PSE Johnson, excellent brief, thank you. I will take your data and analysis and run it up the flag pole.

Wonk hadn't been party to the "save the ones you can" discussion between Traveler and Josh, But he knew full well he had limited resources. The Wonk Protective Services, (WPS), priority had to be Circle neighborhoods. There was already containment between them and encampments of the general population, but it was time to tighten up, educate, monitor and respond.

The easy way out is to just pinch the boil and spew the pus, but I still want to stay within the law, he said to himself. That blue line is getting more complex by the day. WPS was already on the agenda for Green Bay.

Hey MiniWonk, are there examples of "package insurance" sales within Circle neighborhoods?

There are several H Coin transactions in Tacoma that match that description, only one from an address with a Circle profile.

Tasker young Mr. Johnson and a couple PSE trainees to run the Tacoma situation to ground.

Monitor all H Coin to DW Coin transfers that go through our systems. Request the same out of the NeoPuritans financial systems, once they see the report, I suspect they will be happy to join forces.

Begin action, tasker PSEs to Tacoma, monitor H Coin to DW Coin, supply NeoPuritan.AI the Johnson report and request reciprocal monitoring. Will that be all Wonk?

That's all MiniWonk.


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