D Trufax and Mindpad merger 1.7

Mergers and acquisitions follow a predictable cycle. During favorable conditions: low interest rates, limited opportunities for organic expansion, minimal government interference announcements happen weekly. Nobody cares, except traders on Wall Street, billionaire hedge fund investors and of course the competitors in affected industries.
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Nobody really noticed when Trufax, one of the nation's five credit data bureaus began merger discussions with social media giant, Mindpad.

Yolanda, one of the founding investors in Trufax noticed and smiled. As she explained to Clara Bow, CB, there are two reasons artificial intelligence is stuck in the realm of being a moderately useful assistant.

First, we haven't fed them enough data. You would think Trufax would have that, but it is sterile, lifeless stuff. Good structure, dry bones in need of flesh and sinew. With Mindpad, we can marry the name, birthdate, credit history, to where they go, what they do, the photos they take, how they react to hundreds of stimuli and if the wind is at our back, latch on to the data of their friends as well.

And the second Clara asked, it sounds like that is all you need right there?

A common misconception, Yolanda smiled. All that data, even if it is somewhat structured doesn't create a usable construct. We have to form a pattern. For instance, everyone takes natural language processing for granted, you talk to your phone, it knows what you said. But even will all the advances in miniturization, the generation passed the Dick Tracy video wristwatch, it is impossible for something that small to actually process language without a cheat sheet, Cliff notes for language, interpreting speech for Dummies. There are only 5 of these patterns in the world, 1 is open source, we forked it and started working on a HNMNBie specific one.

So that's why you are always pushing everyone to use voice commands to do things, mused CB.

Yup, incentivizing, is actually the better term. If you order a meal kit using voice, it is slightly cheaper than using a keyboard, not much, but enough and on it goes.

K, let me see if I can put this together. Trufax gives you the structured data. Mindpad gives you the use cases, that include both HNMNBie and not. But you also have a developing language processor that has billions of examples of HNN, H library, and in some cases sneakernet users.

Yolanda didn't answer, she just nodded approvingly.


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