D Frank Benin and Dorothorea Dix 1.6

Based on a design from http://helenlloyd.com/

Uh, oh, Frank snapped awake. He was in his imagination station, his name for his maker lab.

Semi conscious, his mind was replaying coming home to find his wife and son gone, everything taken, joint savings and checkings; you are worth what we can take you for.

As Frank stands up, he notices an artist rendition of a crow that Traveler himself has given to him. Have you ever felt like talking aloud to no one in particular? This is what Frank says to the crow.

3 years later. I need a shower.
Tonight I have a date with Dorothorea.

Dorothea is a sprite, a gypsy, a free spirit.
She's Juliette Binoch in Chocolate.

My best friend's name is Digwert.
That sums up my life.

 I've got a good business, let's me live to invent
Making is creating, building, adjusting and repair.

I don't know what she sees in me
I know what I see in her

We'll go out tonight, have a drink tonight,
Talk and smile and just be tonight

And maybe,
It's the start of a romance.

Showered, dressed, out they door, Hey Mycroft, Set Away, grabbed the corn shaker, WinCo ranch roasted corn to the sky, gotta tip the crows, past the Crowbox, into the car, not a bird dropping in sight, thank you boys, he called out. Jumped in the, Frank Benin was going on a date. The AI church was hosting a concert. Word is the music is great and the light show better, and, he had scored Gold Circle tickets. Right up front, cash bar, but the servers take your orders at the table.


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