D Hector, Chester, and Bandi go to a concert 1.6

The concert is tonight remarked Wonk.

I already asked mom, said Guy, she will bring Bandi Boy by on her way home from Bestow.

Thank you, said Wonk. With Cody Boy suddenly in Hawaii, a switch up made sense. Unlike Cody, Bandi didn't have his full visual impairment service tickets, but Hector would also have Chester

They chose ride share for transportation. It is a step below self drive in status and the driver could help spot the trio. They chose to buy the entire time slot, a decision that would prove to be doubly wise. Chester asked for and received permission to leave a bag in the car. It included a small SW defined RF receiver. The driver dropped them off and parked.

The general population was waiting for their doors to open, they had gold circle tickets. The lady at the counter was trying not to stare. Hector, on a druggie binge that lasted days, had contracted a flesh eating bacteria that consumed his right eye. He never bothered with a glass prosthesis, so there was a hole in his head where an eye was supposed to be. At least she didn't throw up; it happens. She puzzled at 3 tickets, service dogs don't need a ticket, she said. We know Chester and Hector replied in unison, but they take up space. A ticket means people should not begrudge him the space he takes up. The wrist band person put Bandi's ticket on his collar.

In the ante-way, the AI church had a silent auction fundraiser set up. It was modern art, you could use your wrist band to "like" and even tip the artist a fraction of H Coin. Most, well supposedly all, of the art was thematic, America's Rock Star's newest album, The swarm. Usually Hector and Chester could see the connection, but not always.

The doors opened and they went to the gold circle seating area in the front. Almost everyone was racing to find seats in the center of the performance area, (and save additional seats for their 30 something friends). Chester and Hector selected seats on the right hand side as you face the stage, ALWAYS have an exit strategy. Chester signaled Bandi, holding up 1 finger, then pointing to the exit, the universal sign for plan A. Most of the plan Bs involved  marching through hundreds of people to an alternate exit. There was a wall of glass down the right hand side, but the panes were the UL 752 Level 3 structural glass required for public areas since the rash of "Danish connection" hand grenade terrorist attacks in 2024. There was no way to throw a chair through that glass, but Hector, in his rehabilitation had taken strength training seriously. If you looked at him, you could tell he wasn't ordinary, but you would have no idea just how strong he truly was. Plan B was for him to kick the pane out of its frame, most of the strength was designed to resist forces pushing from the outside in. Plan C was the so-called monkey play, make it up as you go along.

The concert started with the briefest of introductions, Chester scanned the crowd, he wasn't the brightest bulb on the tree, but he had mastered the very challenging PSE exams. Like most churches in America, this AI church sponsored event had token diversity, younger caucasians with a sprinkle of anything you could dream up.

Dead Flowers in Space

The band, America's Rock Star, was a mix of humans and skinned bots backed by a 100 piece AI orchestra, was tight and compelling. The playlist was their own stuff mixed with throw out covers and remixes. Wonk, monitoring from 30km away, was amazed to hear two of Clarissa's signature songs, Dead flowers in space and My singularity is your hilarity. Go mom! She had crossed not only a generation, but also from human to AI/human performers and artists. He couldn't wait to tell her.

Traveler had been right, Wonk could only get bits and pieces of the sublimial messaging from the light show and mixed into the sound, but they were recording everything, Bandi's service dog jacket was a powerful field sensor array, full scale analysis could come later.

They didn't notice the assasins enter, they came up the aisle set aside for the wait staff bringing wine and beer, dressed that way, but when they pulled on gas masks people started screaming. Bandi Boy was the first of the trio to see them and gave a giant bark at detection +1s. Hector and Chester, looked, assessed and headed for the exit. The killers were coming down the aisles spraying something, later we would know it was military grade nerve gas.

As, they opened the exit, Hector took two shots in the chest, thank heavens for tacticals, the terrorists had stationed people by the exits. A very angry Hector reached the man with the assault weapon, clapped his hands on both sides of his head imploding it with a huge squish splat, blood and brains everywhere. Chester took control of the weapon and his clip belt and they made their way outside, +12s.

Hector, you call the car, Bandi and I will clear out the main exit for any survivors, Chester said yelling as he ran to the front of the building, Bandi Boy COME. A Blue Circle dog knows when it is showtime, Chester was fast, faster than most humans, but Bandi was on his left side, back just a little in a flash. Chester had managed to put on the weapons belt while running, the door was chained, full auto, emptied a clip, not any more. Reloaded, opened the door, blowing the chain apart cost him the element of surprise, shootout at the Ol Queen Anne clubhouse.

The people stationed at the exits to murder the escapees had guns, but not PSE training and inferior tacticals as well. 2 down with the first clip, Bandi saw one of them reload and made his move, expose your throat to Bandi Boy and you never get to make another mistake, 3 down. Chester took the legs out of the 4th person, 3 shots per leg, he dropped. Hector ran into the ante-way, car's outside, drivers freaking, gotta go. Chester pointed at the downed gunman, bring him. Hector ran over, lifted him up like a sack of potatoes and headed for the door. Chester and Bandi followed. Open the trunk, open the trunk Chester shouted. The driver did, in there Hector, body was dropped into the trunk, +72s.

GO, GO. GO Chester shouted as they piled in the car, BIG TIP, BIG TIP, GO.

Wonk's voice came through their ear pieces, Queen Anne Ave, North to Trader's. Medical evac will meet you there. Car pulled into Traders right as the first Circle rescue squad entered the area, +262s.

The crew was in containment suits. We are here for the shooter, they opened the trunk, forget stabilize and transport, Hector helped them throw the victim in the back, they were in motion, but not fast. The crew in the back would try to stop the bleeding, administer fluids and treat for shock in motion, +310s.

Second medical response truck pulled in, BIO/CHEM HAZMAT markings. Crew jumps out, deploys a spring up tent, driver, Chester, Hector, Bandi get stripped, clothes go in HAZMAT bags, living forms get sprayed down. Towels are produced, when used, HAZMAT bags, dry one size fits all scrub style clothes appear, sandals too.

Wonk had called Rhea, she connected to Bandi, GOOD BOY, WAIT, so he put up with the spray as humiliating as that was for a GSD. Instead of a towel he shook, dogs gotta do . . .

Forensic guy in a space suit was taking samples inside and out of the car.

Wrecker pulls in, connects to the car, drives off, +433s. The driver yells, "My car", no one in particular listens.

You can hear sirens, LEA would be at the clubhouse shortly. Lord, please don't let the first responders become victims, the Traders scene commander prayed under his breath. Back to business, he had his hands full.

Two RVs pulls up, mobile medical facilities. The driver and Hector are directed to one, Chester and Bandi to the other. They are gone. BIO/CHEM response is packed and gone. +501s

A water tanker pulls into the lot and gives the whole area several thousand liters of fresh water washdown. +707s

The medical report is positive, no trace of exposure to the nerve agent. The rest of the people at Queen Anne were not so lucky, VXchock, early reports are 75% fatalities, survivors will be screwed up for the rest of their shortened lives.

No surprise to Wonk, the perpetrators were Robusts. It was impressive that they had managed to operate with military precision. Little was known about the group. Until tonight, they had been considered an extreme wing of the Flat Earth Party who was now screaming loudly there was no connection. Deep State and High Table both ordered investigations. This was meant to be, and succeeded, as a damaging blow to the Church of AI. They had invested heavily into this event for outreach and recruitment. Rock Star of America had played their last concert.

The driver? You want to know about the road share driver? Well, that is not really marked for release, but, between us AIs...

After he checked out medically the RV pulled into one of the Seattle Pacific University parking lots. A man in a British looking suit and bowler hat opened the door and offered him some clothes that were similar to the ones he was wearing. A new wallet was in the pants and all of his cards. The cash section had $1,500.00, 15 100 dollar bills. His phone was gone, but in its place was a Q model 3. I guess that is a big tip, he thought to himself. Got dressed and went outside. His car was there, freshly detailed. The man in the bowler hat had a clipboard with a paper he could opt-in to sign. It was a non-disclosure agreement. $10k now, just for signing, $130k, (that seems to be the going rate for such things), if nothing originated from him to the press or social media. He looked it over, signed it, accepted the check, pocketed all the paper and we didn''t hear from him again until 364 days later, 3.198e+7s. And with that we closed the books on the incident.


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