HNN reports whale watching accident 1.6

HNN News Flash
A Social Justice, Flat Earth and HNMNBie politician walk onto a sightseeing boat leaving from Port Allen. The SoJo says we need to do something to protect the humpback whales, Flat says, no, the humpback whales have protected themselves for years, last thing they need is more government regulation.  HNMNBie says, as usual, you've both got it backwards, here comes one now.

Unfortunately this isn't just a joke, it actually happened when a whale watching tour apparently got too close to a baby whale still figuring out how to breach safely and crash landed on the boat.

Perkins: You may find it unlikely that a Flat Earth Party and a Social Justice Party politician would be on the same boat this congressional recess and you would be right. Representative Dorothorea Dix had originally scheduled her tour with Captain Ricky's, but his boat was badly damaged in a freak squall last week resulting in a death and several serious injuries. She was rebooked on what turned out to be the most up close and personal whale watching tour conceivable.

And if your karma isn't bent out of whack yet, here's the punchline, Wilcox memorial hospital was full, no unoccupied rooms. Dix, with a broken hip, and Smith, with a broken leg spent the night in side by side gurney in an emergency room admitted waiting area. Representative Lilian Russel came to visit and reports they were talking about . . . politics. Well, at least they were talking, we'll be looking for a Smith, Dix Act to be introduced soon.

After the visit, Representative Smith of the Flat Earth Party did report on Social Media that he no longer supports a total band on marijuana.


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