Interagency Working Group for Security and Order 1.7

Beau Williams had a number of obstacles ahead of him. The biggest one was that Deep State was neither Deep nor State. 4 Successive administrations of politicians more concerned about their own interests than the health and strength of the nation had gutted the nation's law enforcement in a number of ways. When the average US citizen read the words Deep State most of them did not know that they were almost certainly speaking of contract employees, who, with each passing day, were operating with less and less central control.

The night before his confirmation hearing he told his wife. Honey, to chair the interagency group in its current form is almost certain political suicide. But someone needs to try to turn this around.

Daisy May shushed him. Beauregard, just make sure you remember what my father told you on his death bed.

Beau nodded. My word is my bond. Be careful with my words. No human can tame the tongue, it is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. The words I say are the words I will be judged by. Never lie, unless it is to lie with Daisy May, he finished smiling.

Daisy smiled, remember and live by those words and you will prevail, now come lie with me.

Beau was a man of strong passions and during the most recent campaign, he had said some things, possibly in the heat of the moment and they were cause for concern with the senate confirmation committee, weary of years of political infighting and empty promises. They were looking for a man of honor and even the members of the committee that opposed him politically hoped he was that man.

And so, in the course of his confirmation he made a promise:

Longstaff: During the course of the presidential campaign, you made a number of statements about the investigation of Alice Paul, relating to her handling of sensitive emails and regarding certain actions of the Alice Paul Foundation. You weren’t alone in that criticism. I was certainly critical in the same way as were millions of Americans on those matters, but now, you’ve been nominated to serve as Director of Security and Order. In light of those comments that you made, some have expressed concerns about whether you can approach the Alice Paul matter impartially in both fact and appearance. How do you plan to address those concerns?

Williams: Mr. Chairman, it was a highly contentious campaign. I, like a lot of people, made comments about the issues in that campaign. With regard to Alice Paul and some of the comments I made, I do believe that that could place my objectivity in question. I’ve given that thought.

I believe the proper thing for me to do, would be to recuse myself from any questions involving those kind of investigations that involve Alice Paul and that were raised during the campaign or to be otherwise connected to it.

Longstaff: OK. I think, that’s—let me emphasize then with a follow-up question. To be very clear, you intend to recuse yourself from both the Alice Paul email investigation and any matters involving the Alice Paul Foundation, if there are any?

Williams: Yes.

And now, just over a year later, the man chosen and affirmed to be the czar of the Interagency Working Group for Security and Order had just broken that promise. He had just fired the senior law enforcement official with direct knowledge of the FBI investigation into certain activities of the Alice Paul Foundation.

He had struggled with the decision. It meant stripping the pension of a 20 year G-man. But it might have been the right thing to do, it was the recommendation of the Inspector General. It might have been right except for one thing. He had promised to recuse himself from any such matter and whether the decision was right or wrong, he had broken his promise.

The ride home was far too quick, no opportunity to prepare to face Daisy May. As he opened the door to his house he found he wouldn't have to. She had gone to bed early in the guest bedroom.

He sat at the dining room table, alone in the dark. For whom the bell tolls. He had been used like a political rag doll and would probably be thrown back into the toy box in another week or two. In some sense he felt comfort at the thought, maybe the pain, the pressure, would stop.

Sleep did not come easily, he just kept thinking. He could hear Daisy's father, a decorated Marine General, The words I say are the words I will be judged by. He could imagine the hurt look of his wife as she bravely tried to support him. He was not looking forward to Sunday and walking into church. It was strange enough as it was, so many of the members put politics, or social connections ahead of the bible. But who was he to talk? Promise breaker.

He woke up on the couch dreaming really hard. Has that ever happened to you, a dream that seems more real than life? He needed to pee, so as he made his way to the bathroom, he remembered fragments of the dream. Bending to pressure to fire the official, right, or wrong, was a political firestorm. In the dream that led to budget cuts to in Interagency working group which translates to budget cuts to the underlying agencies, FBI, NSA, CIA, DIA, NGA.

He could remember a prominent senator in the dream saying, "if someone in a senior position of trust for over 20 years had to be fired for misconduct, then we must have to many government billets to properly manage." More slots lost to career beaurcrats, the slack picked up by contractors operating with less and less central control.

But it was just a dream. Deep breath. Acts 2:17 In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Just a dream, just a dream, just a dream.


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