D Of the corporations, by the corporations, for ... 1.10

Character, Setting, Plot, Conflict, Theme

= = = HNN Offices, Seattle, Washington
While Ahuva was renewing K9 certs, Yolanda, Lilian, and Clara Bow were gathered in the board meeting room chatting about an odd growth in advertising at HNN. The money was being spent on topics that were not in line with the demographic HNN targets. It was one of those "color me clueless" moments that sometimes happen in business.

We, or should I say you, pondered Lilian with her stringy grey hair, only make money 3 ways: advertising, subscription/article sales, and the equity value of HNN.

When I first started LRN, the problem of large advertising revenues for ideas that ran contrary to the viewpoints of the subscribers came up once. We did fairly well at adhering to the church and state model. The advertising and donor revenue component of the business was separated from content via a Chinese wall.

Our readers were quick to complain when they started to see ads, opinions, infomercials, counter to their viewpoints and see a lot of them.  They were all clearly marked, but my own publishing house was quickly establishing a pervasive pro-immigration atmosphere for our advertising while our content was anti-immigration. Our readers were understandably confused and annoyed. But what I don't understand is how you noticed, Yolanda, it's not that much money. And what is it they are selling that's a problem?

I was raised by a Jewish mother, at least all the times dad was away adventuring. She taught me that small bills unwatched, become big bills, said Yolanda. I don't have to accept their money now, well as soon as I figure out who "they" are.

Within certain boundaries that is true, replied Lilian, but during the 2024 election cycle there were 5.7M C class corporations in the United States. To the best of my knowledge, they don't have to tell you in advance what they are running, they just want to schedule when and how much.

First you have persons that own/manage multiple corporations for a number of reasons ranging from separating business interest risks to tax and political purposes. It's possible, and not even difficult with automation. Even the crude AIs of that era were sufficient to manage most of the operational aspects. And as those AIs grew up . . . Now, I will not say it is easy for an AI to own a corporation, but as long as a human with a birth certificate can be the registered agent, there is nothing, really, to stop it.

AI, where did AI come from,  asked Clara Bow?

Swarm behavior, 100s of moving parts, but working together, too many of these look the same and act the same for people to be behind it, Yolanda answered. Founding corporations creates a gateway so they can enter business and thereby politics. And people die, and trustees don't know what to make of their estates, finished Yolanda. And after Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, they can manipulate the political system, or at least try.

The 2010 supreme court ruling helped, but the die was cast long ago, said the old news woman. It predates AI, but corporations slid in with the 14th amendment. Rutherford Birchard Hayes, the 19th president, had his arms full with the first gilded age, noticed and complained about it. He is the guy with the "government of corporations, by corporations, and for corporations." quote.

Then let's level the playing field with the data that applies to us, said Yolanda, HNN, how many unique corporations purchased advertising in the past 6 months?
HNN.AI replied, including classifieds, 527.
Exclude classifieds please, replied Yolanda.
HNN.AI paused for a minute. 116.
How many of those corporations were first registered in the past 12 months?
Please sort corporations high to low based on reported revenue, display advertising purchased to net taxes filed.

Clara Bow whistled, I was hoping our data would make it look like the bottom 3rd exist primarily to purchase advertising from HNN and pay taxes. But if these corporations have been around for a while . . .

HNN, search profiles, corporation filings, try to identify demographics of persons associated with these corporations.
HNN.AI reported that preliminary analysis: male, middle aged, caucasian, did not complete college.

Lilian nodded, if you want to mine for Robusts, that's what the ore would look like. So tell me again what they are selling that is a problem?

Gardens, home gardens, gentlemen farms, adult gardens, said Yolanda.

Lillian and Clara looked at each other quite confused. Yolanda noticed the look. First off, almost everything is made of plastic, not even recycled plastic, straight out of Oilcan Henry's tap.  Second, they are multi-level marketing. You start by purchasing a "demo kit" for a substantial amount of money. Third, there is involvement somewhere between pornography and prostitution. Here's a video add we pulled, kid you not.

Yolanda lay on the conference table on her back, legs spread, and said with a pause between each word: come, plow, my furrow and ran her hand up her leg.

Lillian suppressed a laugh, I can see that might not play nice with a majority female progressive readership.

Clara, the Golden Retriever of the bunch, looked puzzled. Robusts do not tend to associate with HNMNBies. We are techies, they are blue collar manly men. We don't have anything they want.

The three ladies looked at each other and in unison said,  Wonk.

PRESENCE: I've got an odd thing going wonder if you have any data that might match it
Wonk said, truthfully, I don't. But I did see a summary report from an analyst that works for Guy. Seems line there is a botnet of the sexual nature that is not targeting Robusts, but is targeting profiles that commonly intersect with Robusts. Horny middle aged guys looking for something after the wife quits putting out. Apparently, the chat function of the bots either fools them, or is good enough they don't care. The weird thing is that it is over 20 years old, some of the personas are golden, but it is also exploding in growth. They are going crazy in China and India where the younger guys outnumber the girls 5 to 2. Those are all newer accounts, much higher risk of detection, but they are arranged in cells, you bust one, you get 5, 6 IDs.

Why don't you send a note to Guy, I'm sure he will send you the report. I don't have it and have no idea how he files stuff.
OK, will do. Thanks lover.

The three ladies looked at each other stumped. Finally, Clara spoke. Given the steamy subject matter and my background, it seems like I might be uniquely equipped for this. When Guy sends the report over, I'll pour over everything. Do you mind if I use the vacant office on the 2nd floor?

= = = 1 week later

The ladies convened at the formerly vacant office. CB had turned it into a war room, printouts every where, even the glass window with the view of the Seattle sound. Yolanda had to smile, if Traveler saw all the paper he would have a heart attack, half of Seattle's supply of sticky tack had been harnessed for the operation, she couldn't wait to hear the results.

It's messages within messages within messages said Clara triumphantly. Sexy girls attract men's attention, that's hardly a newsflash, but what you don't typically see in writing is that girls like pictures of girls too, just check out the magazines in the checkout line at a grocery store. This wall has the "entrance" pictures and ads. What get's people's attention in the first place. The ones with the blue dots were submitted to HNN. The majority of the ones targeting the Robust demographic are 33s.

33s said Lillian? Yeah, said CD, pay per view sites generally divide every dollar they get into thirds, 1/3 for them, 1/3 for the model, 1/3 from the entrance site that referred the traffic to them.

Some of the targeted ads lead people to Gentile* Man Farmer and such, the strange multi-level marketing group that uses sex and sizzle to sell shovels and hoes. But over half of the HNN ads are actually targeted at women.  They run the ads before, after, near features like: Rekindle your Sex life, and Sex outside of marriage, see here is the HNN lifestyle feature, here are the ads. The draws, discretion, good money, flexible hours, a chance to be safely naughty and try a few things.

To put it all in a nice package. AI with vast resources locates a botnet with ancient grandfathered credentials; starts to take it over. Uses those accounts to seed entrance site sexual material targeting older, white, males. If they take the next step and join a "Free Site", start bombarding them with adds and offers and offers of offers.  If you buy the medium demo garden kit, a female technician comes to your house to help you set it up. The operation requires a substantial number of these ladies, hence the recruiting on HNN.

Lilian observed, this picture has been doctored.
They all have said Clara, look at the water, foliage, even the swim suit, those are elements of the great wave, a famous Japanese painting. That element is in many of their targeted ads. You guys do something similar with HNN choosing certain words. Over time, it makes the message seem familiar even if it is a bit further than you have gone before mentally . . . the human brain renders it, OK because . . .

Yolanda, mistress of the dark, smiled, and the shame factor, everyone they collect is in their power to some extent. 

Gentile* Not a misprint, intentional


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