Traveler and Slocom meet 1.4

One of the most difficult manifestations of humanity to analyze is the prophetic gift. OpenSpeech 1.31 first treated the word prophecy as a synonym to clairvoyance. While there are both observations and instances from literature of prophecies referring to future events, it is more like seeing what actually is, a special case of situational awareness.

Even though it is clearly a desirable evolutionary trait, there is no evidence of it increasing in the human population through natural selection. In fact, the stronger case is that it decreased in recent years, possibly due to the kaluptoic force [Riwengald p. 36].

Among the subjects in the anthropological study, Reverend Chase Slocom exhibits the strongest evidence of the trait.

Reverend Chase Slocom was on his knees at the House of Prayer when the door eased open and a young man wearing orange glasses with a linen shirt and jeans eased inside. Without looking up, the reverend said, "Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!"

The young man replied, "It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes!" I am guessing you are Reverend Chase Slocom?

And I am certain you are Traveler Rutherford Hayes, gritted the older man, help me get up so I can take a look at you. Ah yes, glowing with health, a fine appearance and handsome features. I've been praying for you more that you might guess. Are you prepared?

I strive to be ready in season and out of season.

Chase smiled, I'm ready for a cup of coffee, he said as he started for the pot, would you like one? A week later a package arrived for Reverend Slocom that needed to be signed for. Chase opened it in his prayer room. It was a full size Presence node, the latest model. Chase whistled, these are some interesting people, that was worth a full size self drive car, at least.


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