Johnny Wincolini airplane camping

Character, setting, plot, conflict, theme

Johnny Wincolini, PMP, ran a crew of Down los in the Emerald City. Gifted kid, general population overcomer, endowed with an innate system of motion simulation. Messaging in Seattle is serious business, these are some of the largest corporations in the world. In the summer he liked to hang out just South of the border, bought property way up on the cliffs along Chuckanut Highway. Left it as is, North Western forest on the Pacific. All he did was sink a mooring docking port, designed to rest a plane. Drilled it himself with a plane mounted laser drill. Took 14 recharges; he came to know and love Paine Field.

When he could he would slip away, take his Dornier Seastar hybrid rigged for camping up the coast docking just South of Larrabee with an automated hover down onto his airplane docking port, best view and smell of Buckingham Bay, pass me a Samish oyster.

When he was younger he was a runner for Darcey Doe from Heaven's Kitchen and applied what he had learned there to his own krewe. His days of moving from girl to girl were over, he was management, 3 squares a day and all the sex you want, had been good, but now he was the next level up the Maslow.

The steady girl he was seeing, Seranna, was a first nation Nooksack rich bitch, golden/otter, only daughter of a startup tychoon. Seemed untouched though; vegan, open to social causes, person magnet, he was short, she was tiny. When they plane camped, the inside was based on reused fixtures from two totaled VW campers, complete with popup tent. Johnny started to meet friends in the area, the Kirkfield's house was nestled up against the cliff, Seranna and he would set some Dungeness traps, or buy some Taylor's and the two couples would have a grill session.

Over time, he added a water catcher, septic field, some solar cells, Plenty of room, the plat was 7, 479 hectares. Eventually the idea took off with other pilots, dock on the cliff and go where ever you like: land in one of the bays, (or with planning), in a strait, for fishing or swimming, land at any regional airport and break out the bikes.

Yes, you can lease a docking port, with power, water, septic, internet and sneakernet for a year, obviously the price goes down with a multi-use package, Johnny was telling a prospective customer. Bit by bit a community of skypeople was forming. And they rallied around the brand, good, safe, efficient, (you could fly all day with 5 liters of jetfuel).

The client candidate was excited, after all, the information packet was $150.00 USD and would self destruct after 72 hours.
Most of the calls, as a result, were serious. Both parties were enjoying the conversation.
I understand community areas are being developed.

A limited number Mr. Wincolini replied, a fall from these heights would be fatal so a number of precautions have to be taken.  There was a rock fall last morning that broke a hole in the bay side of the concrete border. Too bad, that was built in 1925 and they don't spend the time with the architectural touches like that anymore; it will take a real artist to make the repair and not have it look funny.

It was pretty fun to watch from above, the cars queue up until the lead vehicle comes. Its LED sign says, "Pilot Car, Follow Me. The cars fall in behind and drive past the men trying to figure out what to do. And on and on they go, when the 18 wheelers come by it is a tight fit. Inspired me to 575 to social media.
One lane ahead sign
Follow the lighted flag car
Fallen rock from the cliff

But yes to answer your question in plain Blanchard, yes, we are laser drilling into the side of the mountain and have view cages that are suitable for BBQ and meeting. Ports 15 and 26 are outfitted with safety ladders. The enclosed overlooks are communal, you will be sharing time with 4 other mooring docks.

Adonis, will be in 25 tomorrow, so I could show you the communal area and introduce you to someone living the life style. Would you like to fly tomorrow? I'm taking Lhelhókw’ey, (many flying place), out. An AFAM is $1,000.00 USD for one passenger with a significant discount on addition seats since we are already going out there. Interested?

Yes, certainly, I have one more question for now. What about ground transportation?

We do have a self drive at a property near by for the use of our guests. Of course, you have to figure out how to get to it and get safely back to your plane if you've had more than you should at Chuckanut Manor.

Pleased to meet you Jim Thorpe, Johnny stood as he entered the room. Beautiful day for flying eh, Johnny said, what say we go check out docking station number 26. I'll put you at the controls. Even with the AI, pilots like knowing someone has their back the first time they dock. Looks like it will be just us, Jeremiah Johnny, Adonis's pilot called and said he hot hung up, apparently his teenage daughter is having issues and has locked herself in the bathroom.

From the dock is a stairway enclosed in a carbon fiber tube, every 10 centimeters is a structural ring with bounce back material. You were not guaranteed to survive a rockfall, but it increased the odds greatly, until you egress onto the enclosed overlook. It was part picnic shelter, BBQ area, hanging from rods laser drilled into the cliff.

Johnny slid the windows open, let's get some fresh air. Care to split a beer, he asked as he opened the small fridge. Just then the shaking started, earthquake, he shouted, we have to seal the windows fast. The shelters have a carbon fiber shade that zips on the inside of the windows. If a rock hits and breaks the window, the class will not enter the enclosure, at least that was the plan. The big nautical nylon zippers were easy to pull, good thing, they were bouncing. They just got it closed when they hit,  a walloping, whopping, rockfall, so far the enclosure was holding. And then it was over, the enclosure was stable again. But the egress tube appeared to be crushed by the rocks. We're going to have to work to get back to the plane. Hopefully, it was OK, the docks were designed to keep the base of the plane 10m above, away from, the mountain cliff and they were near the top. But with that display of kinetic energy a rock could have hit Lhelhókw’eyGuess there is only one way to find out. 

Jim Thorpe took in the scene, OK, we can't get back to the plane easily. He pulled his Q phone, no signal, maybe the closest cell tower went out in the quake. No time like the present, Thorpe walked up to the egress tunnel moving his hands along the inside until he found an obstruction. He pushed, and twisted it until he was able to force the rock off of the tunnel and on down the cliff. It was hard work and with your hands over your head most of the time. At one point they heard workers trying to clear Chuckanut below and paused work; the property had a rock containment system at the bottom, but, that's a lot of energy and stuff happens. The enclosure had some food, water, bathroom facilities so that made the experience less of a crisis, it took over a day to break through. Eventually no more obstruction, light at the end of the tunnel the way you always heard it could be.

The sky looked fierce and nasty as Johnny settled into Lhelhókw’ey's pilot seat,  and started up the instruments, his pupils narrowed when he saw the weather panel, for one thing the Barometer has dropped to 1010 millibars. Johnny looked over his shoulder, the two men's eyes met. It's too late to fly, we're going to ride this out. I'll drop the pop up tent and close the skyroof. And he moved quickly to drop the top

We should be OK Thorpe thought to himself, this is the sturdiest seaplane built. The dock is probably a 1000 times stronger than it needs to be.

The big dark was closing in, waves of rain crashing against Lhelhókw’ey.

Just when it felt like it couldn't get worse, tumbling rocks hit the propeller and surgically removed it. James, (or should we call you Guy), had a sense of adventure, but this was starting to become the AFAM from hell. Both men were exhausted, the plane had two beds, the pop up and the rear seat.
I'll take the popup, said Johnny, Serrana and I were sleeping up there the other night, didn't expect to be out this long, so didn't change the sheets. James nodded and melted into the back seat fold down bed.

Morning's first light, green backlit controls, the big dark had blown through, sky was bright only a few patchy clouds. Both men were sitting in the cockpit looking at the controls of a plane with no prop.
What are you thinking boss, Thorpe asked Johnny?

Johnny was silent for a minute, (Dang thought Guy, he is just like Traveler), we still have the hoverfans, Johnny, turned them on just to check. Plenty of fuel, we might be able to make it back working the winds, they are at 9km SW, so we have a tail wind that will push us against the cliff and that will create lift.

Treat it like a helicopter with no collective, Jim/Guy thought. OK. What's plan B if this doesn't work?

100m above the highway is the low altitude limit. If it looks like we are going to hit that, we bank West, radio call mayday, put it down in Bellingham bay if possible, mud flats if not.  It's a float plane, we won't drown.

There's a certain sense of faith black diamond skiers have, they can't see what's ahead when they launch. It wouldn't be that different for Lhelhókw’ey Start up the hover fans, hit the dock release. The next step however, would be to nose down to gain some speed, that all important forward motion. If it was going to break bad, that's when it would happen. However, they managed to execute the first few "dips" without losing much altitude and soon learned to draft back up using the wind hitting the cliff. As soon as the pilots created a protocol, the AI could keep it going. They weren't going to break any speed records.

Finally landed at Paine. Johnny had called for a mule to pull them to their hanger. Any landing you can walk away from is a good one, Johnny said, as they were getting towed.
Jim had to smile, so very true.
What say sport, are you still interested in a mooring dock, or did the experience knock some sense into you?

Looking back, Guy thought, this is perfect for my Jim Thorpe persona. Allows for all sorts of mobility ... and the earthquake, rock falls and the adventure, he said to himself, I kinda like it. He raised his hand to shake Johnny's, I'll take a 3 year lease.


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