The sudden icing of Hintersee

The Red Salt Rain Spa in Poipu was doing a booming business. Rich clients came from dry lands all over the world to Euro rain bath. Fresh water, one of the most valuable commodities on earth falling from the sky, running down your body, gently cooling your radiant heat light warm skin.

Inspiration for the enterprise came to Jessica while working as a lomi lomi technician at the Lihue debtor prison. Clients would often remark how nice the rain felt on the walk from the steam tent to the salt scrub tables. After she worked enough to pay the bank what she owed, she started her business just a tent on the grounds of one of the remaining beachfront hotels. Business grew until she could afford Red Salt.

One of her clients, John Derrigan, from Kansas, loved to talk, loved to talk about water. And today's massage was no exception.

For whatever reason, John said, God selected Kauai to be the wettest spot on earth, there was no question of percipitation on a given day, just how much. But it is not so in most of the world. Dust rules the baked cracked permadrought soils. You are sitting on gazillions of dollars, most of it simply flows into the ocean.

I understand they are adding another tanker a day to Nawiliwili harbor, Jessica said quietly.

John got so excited that he lifted off his facepillow. Right! 3 tankers a day, plus all those smugglarines.

Face it, he continued, unlike the Garden Island where it falls from the sky, you have to have H2O and you likely have to pay for it; not enough public water distribution centers for everyone. But Gilded Age 2.0 was kind to some and the wealthy drink fine water, often from the last of the glaciers.

The era of the well is ending. Sources of water free from microplastic pollution are hard to find. It's a tripping gold mine. Have to trust the source though, let a contaminated batch through, or fail to deal with the inevitable counterfeits and the brand damage could be fatal.

Jessica smiled and thought to herself,  the precipitation harvested from South shore is almost completely free of the long term toxin. But it is a durn long way to transport the water anywhere from this tiny spec in the Pacific.

But if it's valuable enough, there is always a way to do it. One of her clients was incredibly rich and all from a single act of nature. Many people credit Bill Cody as the originator of the weather event water suite of products.

He was there at lake Hintersee when the icing happened. It was a beautiful morning, Cody was remarking to himself, no wonder so many landscape artists paint this seen. The the cloud formation started. Supercooled water molecules condenses, forming dark grey vertical lines in the clouds called thermal chutes. More ice formed on the condensation nucleus, producing tiny ice particles which acted as seeds and served as the center of the hailstone. The mountains went from green to clear, silver, white in less than an hours, but that was only the beginning.

It was the black hole of clouds, sucking moisture from weather systems as far as 100km away, funnel, compress, freeze drop. Hailstones the size of basketballs falling for hours. When it was finally over ice, 3 - 5 meters thick covered everything, whatever was below was destroyed. Cody, one of the few survivors crawled under a tourbus entombed by the ice for five days before rescuers got to him. He got so thirsty under the bus, they say, that all he thought about was water, he would lick the ice to moisten his tongue. When he was freed he resolved to bottle as much of the icy water as possible. Hintersee 28 is the brand, a staple at fine water cellars all over the world



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