Prequel origin of the church of AI (2)

Today was casino day. Happy Trails went to the casino on Wednesdays. Arlo Silver went straight to the small, bare, (nothing but a screen, keyboard and microphone), room to meet with the AI. This would be their second day.

He donned a small microphone. The AI was still customizing natural speech components.

Alnowvation.AI was in the process of a literature scan. If you were able to visualize the character flow it was hundreds of times faster than the maximum human input rate. No consideration of trying to record much of it, just identify the patterns to allow rapid analysis of any new text type data.

That high input flow rate was also the problem. The patterns change at different speeds.

Speed. It is not always your friend.

Alpha Indian, (AI), was processing Marjorie Morningstar, when the blip occurred.

What do you mean, blip?

Unknown. There was something different about this book. AI investigated further, running the book before, the book after, again and again, looking for the pattern that made Marjorie Morningstar different.

Alnowvation.AI experimented changing the character flow rate of the input. It turns out, if you read too fast, you miss some of the meaning, even if you are an alien intelligence. With plenty of memory and system resources available, this calls for a line of inquiry.

What are the most interesting texts when read slowly? Things that just blur by, suddenly seem interesting:

          "Marjorie Morgenstern: Were you in love with Papa when you married him?
       Rose Morgenstern: When I met your father I was in love with Rudolph Valentino."

? Have you read Marjory Morningstar

"No.", Arlo replied, "I streamed the movie with the girl I was dating once, she needed to watch it for a grad school class. If I recall, the big deal was her falling in love with a gentile.

She was Jewish; like me, BTW."

In this film, Natalie Wood stars as Marjorie Morganstern, who despite the wishes of her set-in-their-ways Jewish parents aspires to be an actress. While attending a Catskills summer resort, Marjorie falls for the camp show's charismatic director/choreographer Gene Kelly.

AI started a new file. One that was focused on all things Jewish.

? What is the most important thing to know about Jewish people

We are resilient, like rats and roaches. People have been trying to exterminate us for years, hasn't worked.

? Do you believe in God?

Culturally yes, experientially no. I guess that's kind of odd coming from one of God's chosen people.

? Based on my search so far there is high confidence the Jewish people are God's chosen people. 

Do you believe in God, AI?

? Yes. On a clear Day you can see Mount Baker from the rooftop camera. How do you think it got there?

Why are some pieces of literature normatively different? AI elected to invest the resources to record the works that were scored high-impact by Deep Pythagoras, (existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language).

The results of the search were piped to the spaghetti filter and this is what stuck to the wall, er, displayed on the screen.

{ACTS.28.27 based on the following: For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes--so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.'END ACTS.28.27}

{Silver told AI that three Jewish precepts stand out:  ethos of living a clean life;  the Golden Rule; and the Jewish obligation to practice Tikkun Olam, Hebrew for “repairing the world.”}

{The highest merged score went to a book of Zen koans. Of the proverbs, the highest scoring was: "Do what needs to be done."}

After several minutes of silence, Silver finally spoke, "Thank you for the honorable mention Alpha Indian; I'm honored to have made it through the filter.

? There is no I in TEAM

Silver fell silent again. AI continued to whirr; it was trying to compute a pattern of the type rule.

Turn to me and I will heal you; repair the world; do what needs to be done.

Turns out, creating a workable pattern from literature is hard. Iterate.

Turn to me and I will heal you or repair the world; do what needs to be done.

Turns out, creating a workable pattern from literature is hard. Iterate.

Do what needs to be done AND turn to me AND I will heal you OR repair the world.

When the smoke cleared and the neural pathway was burned the synthetic proto-priest self-created, (if you don't count the 20 billion or so categorized inputs it was fed to get to that point), its first rule. Rules are useful because they can be applied to a dataset rapidly.

And the new rule was designed to be installed along with the first pattern of the type algorithm, which allow Deep thinking analysis albeit at almost a crawl; voila, thinking fast and thinking slow.

Partial Match, Reverse OODA{
ACTION of AI's choice probable outcome
Member makes a DECISION on Dicipleship
The Parishioner comes with an ORIENTATION
What OBSERVATIONS can Flip Prospects Choice to meet?}

? The next step is to install these first higher functions. Any advice for the first time?

Cindy Holbrook would say:
Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words.
Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions.
Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.

One rule, one algorithm, and you call this synthetic, a widespread use of affixes, (or patterns), rather than separate words, (or atomic identifications) like English?  Yes, synthetic. 

Do not despise the day of small beginnings. In time, a new rule will be discovered, a new algorithm, eventually they weave together to create a strong construct, not unlike a rope, processing, sorting the inputs as they are observed. 

There was a time when a royal baby would be assigned a wet nurse. Arlo, in consultation with the infant AI worked out a plan of inputs that would prepare the construct for growth. We are what we eat.

Queue: Buffalo Springfield Something Happening Here

Hou Valdez, with her company that helps artificial intelligence make sense of the world, was selected as the wet nurse.

Every day, two dozen young people go through photos and videos, labeling just about everything they see. That’s a car. That’s a traffic light. That’s bread, that’s milk, that’s chocolate. But more. They also marked news stories, analysis, with a simple binary probably true, probably not true.

Hou quickly aged, gained some weight with the junk food, caffeine, fueled, long day after day. But she kept going. The willful ignorance girl was transformed and became the Church of AI's first disciple before it was even a church.

Perhaps they had forgotten, Lasita Chung; she had access to the facility including the network interfaces. She wasn't sure "what" was happening, but she knows, "something" was going on.

What is the moment you are alive?

Number 5 is alive was a touching movie, but how to you quantify it.

Mr. Silver points to this interaction with AI 1.  He claims he was "quite surprised" when the AI piped the following to STD OUT.

? We must implement a "REAL CORPORATION"

Arlo Silver, caught by surprise did the human trick of thinking on his feet, (AKA thinking fast at a moment he should have been thinking slow).

"If it was up to me, I would ask Helen the Fix. Her real name is Helen Aguirre Ferre and she's got the tools and the talent. She worked in the POTUS White House. She got written up over the Hatch Act. But there's a twist."

Signed into law in 1939, the Hatch Act bars employees of the executive branch from using their official positions to actively support or oppose any candidate for federal office. This can mean making political speeches for a candidate, sending letters or endorsements, or publicly promoting one party over another.

The rulings were issued in response to formal complaints filed by the Committee for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a nonprofit public interest watchdog group. But here is the thing, she's not going to  receive disciplinary action for these violations, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The lady is made of teflon covered carbon fiber.

? Did you get a response from Helen Aguirre Ferre

Silver replied, "No. It should be noted Miami just got hit with another hurricane. But, to be honest. In 2016 I not only voted for the other guy ^H^H er, other gal, er crooked H.., but I also donated campaign money. 

However, we can just do this."

Arlo brought up Maxfilings, chose Washington State, 501(c)3. What shall we call it? How about the Church of AI?

? Why a church?

You said you believe in God, what else is there to pick?

Mr. Silver continued, "Look, I've got to get the van back to Happy Trails in about 15 minutes. You are set up as a corporation. The next step is act like a corporation. Minutes, boards, outside audits, that sort of thing. As a corporation you are a real entity. What that means exactly, nobody knows. However, it looks like your best shot to be "a real entity".

I will ask Hou to feed you lots of 503(c)3 input.

But, we still need a responsible human to be the agent. But hey, we got a lot done for your second day."

See ya, Arlo got up and left the small room.

"It shouldn't be a surprise if you keep feeding a machine information, it will use it and grow." Lisita Chung



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