Guy visits Hawaii and Traveler
The sun is out. It has been raining for seven straight days, welcome to Seattle. OK Bondi, (Guy was keeping Rhea's dog while she attended a jewelry buyers show in Las Vegas), let's go for a walk. Bondi was stoked, fetched his lead and stood by the door. Patient while Guy fumbled with the nose noose. Out the door. The inner Bondi wanted to leap and prance, but 2.5 yr old GSDs don't do that, aristocrats of dogdem, comes with a price. After a long rainy spell, when the sun comes out everyone that can, gets out, the neighborhood was filled with the sounds of leaf blowers, chain saws, children chirping. The neighbor on the corner was out, garage door open, working on some task. Nice day, Guy called out. Say, that is a good looking dog, the neighbor returned, the rain is coming back tomorrow. Yup, "Whan the sunne shinth make hay." Aye John Heywood, the neighbor called out to Guy and Bondi's vanishing aspect. Walking was good, a chance to clear his mind, or...