D Baader-Meinhof Done 1.9

= = = Everett, Washington PRESENCE: Hey Wonk, Gizmo gave me a Presence node, is it working OK? Yup, doing just fine for a mobile, great resolution and decent sound. How is Hawaii treating you? Pretty good, they gave me a Jeep Wrangler, it blends in really well here, all of the rentals seem to be Jeeps or Mustangs. Really reminds me of a Carbanado. I never noticed them before, but it seems like there are only 3 kinds of cars here, Jeeps, Mustangs and the locals all have Toyota Tacomas. I think this is my first Baader-Meinhof. Baader-Meinhof? You have never noticed something, then you see it all the time. Anyway, thanks for being available to test my Presence node, that's why I called. You got anything for me? Nothing of import, take care amigo. Out. END PRESENCE. Wonk was hungry so he jumped in his self drive for the robodeli on Bayside, (he was in his roast beef on rye phase). As his self-drive turned off Rucker, a van cut him off, ran so close the self-drive declared a...