Word pictures lake at Yolanda's cottage "Roost"
Yolanda's lake cottage, or ,country house if you prefer, topped a hill, highest point on the peninsula hence the name Roost. Most of the houses on the lake are built in the modern affluent waterfront style. On, you've seen it: big plate glass windows, perfect postage stamp lawns, docks, decks, boats, scooters and an RV parking spot replete with a recreational vehicle, (with minimized, or absent, Seahawks stickers, when you leave Washington, tone it down.) We quickly learned to refer to the slope of the butte down to the boat house as the Washington StairMaster, no matter how good of a shape you are in, that incline will get you if you push yourself hard enough. = South facing window starts to glow. Adrian coming on line, no phone alarm, he liked to hear, "Girl from Ipanema" each morning. Zot, he thought to himself, I was having some crazy dreams. Looking out the window, he sees the mist on the lake, doesn't come all the way to the water, starts to thin at the to...