Traveler and Guy disagreed on this one. Guy favored a totally decentralized IT architecture. Traveler, I understand, and agree that we did the right thing to connect all of our businesses together, but using SOAP/Restful request/responses, while we shared elements of what we are doing, the core of everyone's business stayed with them. Guy, it was, and is, a great architecture. I didn't really want to create an HNMNBM HQ, but we are starting to really grow and there are going to have to be controls, protocols. I hate to sound anal-retentive, but nothing will sink us faster at our growing and awkward state than loose cannons. We go way back buddy, and I think we need this, so if you were going to do this, what would you do. It pains me to say this Traveler, but I think a central control point, a star architecture from a data flow perspective. This does create a single point of failure. Guy paused, waiting to hear Traveler's reaction. As Andrew Carnegie said, put all you...