Chapter 1 Summary

= = = Preface

Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that happened before Nightfall. This history is based on unaltered records just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the Blue Circle. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning and decided to write an orderly account for you.

We will begin with a seemingly insignificant event before the great census which most historians point to as the beginning of the unraveling of the second gilded age.

A few years from the start of the novel

Carla is invited to what became a famous Amazon jungle themed party and needed appropriate attire. At Second Chance, she finds a khaki outfit, but only needs the skirt.  Chara, spies the top, they split the suit and find out they are going to the same party, decide to go together. As they present their digital invites, they can't help noticing a body builder security staff member packing a desert eagle .50, name badge says Clara.

Split up till a ladies dance, where they are approached by a wild, mature lady, Yolanda, who after the dance gives them sterling silver business cards; Net Girls is born.

Wonk, at community collete, reads about his sister, Shari, in the news as an Everett bikini barista. He shares the observation with his best friend Guy, an MF genius. They decide to open their own coffee shop featuring Shari and her friends.

Wonk, still feeling his way along the path of right and wrong, discusses the idea with his minister, Reverend Chase Slocom who disapproves, but doesn't try to stop him, but advises him to be cautious.

Wonk met Slocom years ago at Whispering Pineneedles Summer Camp and they have stayed in touch. Wonk researches the issue, found avarice to be at the heart of the irregularities and decides to carefully follow the law of the land. His best friend, Guy, helps him set up the IT to run the business. Guy mentions his mom, Rhea, may lose her sales job and that she has a side business as a financial dominatrix.

Mid December

Carla, Chara, and Clara meet. Figure out how to make the business cards produce some information. They call Yolanda who is right out side with Frank Benlin and Ahuva.

Frank asks them to join his company to service the contracts he already has, and more are coming, as people want to communicate securely in the presence of criminal and deep state. Net Girls, begins.

A month later, January

Net Girl Chara is attending the Radical Networks event in NYC. She meets a geek working on a low cost solution to take cable cutting to the next level, they can almost totally avoid the Internet backbone. They connect casually, back in Washington he helps her install a laser line of sight between Carla and her apartment.

December, one year later

Wonk buys Shari out of Curvaceous Coffee and has started a second business, Back Comb, a men's spa. He goes to a jewelry store to buy is mother Clarissa something for Christmas and is lightning bolt smitten by Gloria working the counter at the store. Wonk is so business focused, that instead of pursuing the potential love of his life, they become business partners after seeking counsel from Slocom. While at the House of Prayer, he notices a bumper sticker, HNMNBM, His/Her Name Must Not Be Mentioned).

Gloria recounts the tale of Traveler's spoof HNMNBM party with the idea of a society called HNMNBies. The joke goes viral, somehow the idea scratched the itch of the moment.


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