Net Girls, Chara, and Packetnet 1.1 or 1.2 insert done

TEXT: Hey girl, you got time to come over?
Can't make it, on the East coast at the Radical Networks conference
Anything worthwhile?
Brightest spot is a "non-trackable" Internet home brew project. Gotta go, may want to catch up with someone.

After the talk, Chara was listening in the hall. One guy caught her eye, classic, thick glasses, he was pretty chunky too, one half of his shirt sleeve untucked. He was sucking up the attention, had a crowd around him.

Well its early yet, a lot of the protocol stacks need to be hammered down, but there are tons of older 802.11b and such access points around, you can buy them by the pallet. With SW defined radio chips, we can go ham to WIFI at $50.00 a node price point and have a hot spare old clunky router as part of the system. Leave everything wide open, do the encryption at the endpoints, and for a bit more we have $15.00 inline VPN, hardware keys. Slow as heck, but secure and cheap.

Chara thought, OK. Nothing new, lots of people have VoIP networks, but the price point and the idea of crowdsourcing the access points is interesting.

From his badge she could tell he was from Seattle, yes! It was his first time to NYC and he seemed a bit shy, but clearly was clearly well versed in communications HW/SW. Aterwards, they bought a bottle of red wine in the concierge lounge, snacked on the complimentary snacks and geeked out.They had a great time talking, he drew her diagrams, sent links. Later they went to his room.

He was shy, didn't know what to do. Chara was used to that. When she was 15 joy riding with some girlfriends, only problem, none of them owned the car, got caught. In Up and Out she became aware of a unique gift. Males, females too, very often were impacted when they were up close to her, strongest when she was alone with someone, but  in a group too. Reports included blurry vision, increased heart rate, sometimes sexual daydreams that were more vivid than life. But also, a sense of confusion. Mating works about the same way for most of the 8.7M species on earth, the female gives off some signal, usually scent, when she is in heat, the male prospect approaches and consumates, attempts to, offers, whatever and new life is the result. The problem, Chara learned soon after she entered puberty, was that when she was in the mood a sense of confusion seemed to overtake  potential mates. 15 no longer, she knew how to adapt and take the lead.

Chara waited until he was in a major histocompatibility complex fog. She approached, a gentle kiss growing more urgent. Hormones flooded his body, she guided him, gentle, slowly, end already in mind from her perspective. The culmination in this case, a covered blow job, his eyes bugged out, maybe his first? They cuddled for about 7 minutes, got dressed, exchanged info, a soft lingering kiss, and she left.

When the conference was over and back in Seattle, they build a WOM station at her home and then a bridge to packet radio. Clara lived close enough that they built an LED line of sight repeater house to her house. That was the day HNMNBieNet was born.


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