D Net Girls Begins 1.1

PHONE: Hey girl
Yes, what say you, me and Clara get together and figure out those business cards
Clara thought it would be fun to dress as the musketeers if we meet her, she found hats, if we can't meet with her, we can hit Unicorn's, do you have a corset and short skirt?
But of course, Carla purred, when, where?
Wednesday, 1800, your place OK?
See you then

At the Amazon theme party, the three girls met a lady named Yolanda. After a ladies dance, she had given them each a sterling silver business card, but all it said on it was Yolanda.

Carla opened the door to see Chara and Clara, hey and hugs followed and she welcomed them inside. Clara pulled out the hats and exclaimed selfie, the girls mugged a shot.

The each pulled out their business card.
Wonder how you use it, Carla remarked
Multimeter wondered Chara
Carla pulled out her embroidered, beaded network go bag and in one of the pockets was a meter, she held red in one place, moved black around, needle didn't move
Logic, thought Clara, out loud
Carla replied, that's a function of my smart pencil. She pulled it out of its case and ran it across her business card, 0010   0101   0011, phone number, Seattle exchange?
Try my card said Chara, putting it on the table
1101 1110 1101
The girls looked at one another, test pattern? OK Clara, put it on the table.
1011 1110 1110, all ones Carla said, 1111, yup
Oh, hex, said Clara
Guessing she's not a vegetarian giggled Chara, whose gonna call?
Why's everyone looking at me asked Clara, OK, I'll call.
Put it on speaker, asked Chara

Hello ladies, Yolanda said as she answered the phone. The three girls looked at each other and shrugged.
Hello Yolanda, Carla, Chara, and I were wondering if we could meet with you sometime.
Certainly, do you mind if I have a friend present, 2 actually.
Clara looked around, nobody seemed to object. That would be great, she replied, when and where would work for you?


Carla opened the door to see Yolanda in a form fitting black knee length plunging dress, a large German Shepherd, and a smallish, round, older man. She approached each girl in turn, giving them the opportunity to kiss her cheek almost on the side of her mouth, Carla noticed she lingered just a bit with Chara.

Ladies, may introduce Frank Benlin. He was instrumental in running the NOC at one of the network interoperability conferences that ran before you were born. He has an idea he would like to share.

Frank said, thank you Yolanda, I've been successful in the high availability, low detection world, and just don't want to go in the field anymore. I've been meeting Yolanda's needs for a while, time for fresh eye, ideas, and feet. I'd like to fund a company to meet the growing need of communicating securely in the presence of deep state.

The elevator pitch is something like, "Between us we have 8 decade's worth of experience in network engineering and troubleshooting, working primarily with small and midsize Circle firms. If your company is ever in need of an extra set of hands, We'd be thrilled to consult, design, build, manage, or repair."

Besides, he winked, Yolanda told me you are all graduates of Up and Out's technology center. So am I, back when there were only two tech centers, one on each coast. And, I know Clara has gotten adjudicated for conceal carry, I've been through it myself, and while there are no guarantees, I am pretty sure you would be legally able to own a gun again, after all networks break at night, in lonely places and a girl needs to take every precaution.

The three girls looked at one another and in unison said, when do we start?


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