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Character, Setting, Plot, Conflict, Theme = = = HNN Offices, Seattle, Washington While Ahuva was renewing K9 certs, Yolanda, Lilian, and Clara Bow were gathered in the board meeting room chatting about an odd growth in advertising at HNN. The money was being spent on topics that were not in line with the demographic HNN targets. It was one of those "color me clueless" moments that sometimes happen in business. We, or should I say you, pondered Lilian with her stringy grey hair, only make money 3 ways: advertising, subscription/article sales, and the equity value of HNN. When I first started LRN, the problem of large advertising revenues for ideas that ran contrary to the viewpoints of the subscribers came up once. We did fairly well at adhering to the church and state model. The advertising and donor revenue component of the business was separated from content via a Chinese wall. Our readers were quick to complain when they started to see ads, opinions, infomercials,...