D Gold Bar Night Fighters

Commissioner Sonny Davis picked up the phone to call Wonk, then decided what the heck, it would only be a 20 minute drive to talk in person. Eve was able to set up a time on Thursday. Wonk was still running his businesses out of his flagship men's spa, Backcomb. Welcome sir, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, asked Wonk. Nice day to be out, though breezy, lost my hat twice. I see you still have a bare office, I remember you telling me it helps you think better. Mine is a clutter magnet, photos, memorabilia from 30 years of service. And in all 30 years, despite no support from a state income tax, we have managed to provide top quality fire and rescue. As you know, Snohomish country ran a referendum on increasing the property tax rate to 1.2% to offset the decreasing funding support from Washington DC. It was overwhelmingly defeated. So, now what, he said with his voice trailing off. Wonk could see where the conversation was headed, but wanted to be careful. S...