1.4 U Blue Circle Manifesto, different if millionaire, billionaire is the new millionaire

So, rich getting richer, it sounds like a rehash of the Piketty theory, (Piketty's English translation of "Capital in the Twenty-First Century" was released in 2014).

Adrian, admittedly not a new idea, in fact it served as the driver for Pareto, the 80/20 guy's research, and goes back further than that. But, it is one of the core ideas behind Blue Circle. Rich getting richer is a long term, unchangeable trend, jump in front of that train get squashed like a bug hitting the windshield of an 18 wheeler going 100 kph.

The issue, for those fortunate enough to be on the plus side of the equation, is that they invariably grow more and more out of touch with the folks that are increasingly have nots. All the political hoopla in past years about tax return, hurricane disaster recovery, health care, you name it, was in entrenched politicians making every effort to help make the rich get richer, but what they ignore, to their peril, is the reset.

History documents events such as revolutions, World War II and the rise of the middle class, where there was some adjustment, some sharing, with the have nots. After these events wealth is distributed more evenly for a short while, (when time is measured in epochs).

The "blue" in Blue Circle goes all the way back to blue bloods, sangre azul. Skip past the Rhesus Monkey Factor Negative, (RH-), blood with a high degree of “O” type blood. I say that even though both of us and Wonk, (though he shows no tendency to hemophilia), fall into that category. The key point is that not all of the European nobles were bonking each other and spreading syphilis. Some of them were careful with their money, did well with the risk/reward calculus in the new world and have continued to build.

The "circle" in Blue Circle comes from the concept of sharing some of the wealth in a manner that creates a circle around the members, think wagon trains in the old west. Many of these relationships go back several generations. In the old days, before WWII the focus was on personal relationships, since then, the people that help us work for corporations.

Having a Blue Circle parent does not guarantee being accepted, though it certainly doesn't hurt. Predictably, a number of offspring that were given every opportunity failed to launch. Blue Circle is far less about how you made your money, the old fashioned way by inheriting it, or being nice to a rich relative, or nouveau rich, hit by a Lexus, or wrote a piece of software. It is more about what you do with it and are you likely to add value to "the club".


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