Chapter 7 Summary

Wonk is reading the news in his office, Adamant, HNMNBie news network, 3rd party.  Reads, "A billionaire is the new millionaire." that will stick in his brain. Asks MiniWonk to study Blue Crescent.

Poor Prince Alweed.

Yolanda meeting at Banya 9 with the HNMNBie leadership. HNN is already causing a bit of chop.
After Angelica leaves there is a private discussion about the Trufax merger.

Deep state is listening, hoping for a morsel that will help stretch the budget.
The head of the Interagency blue badge working group makes a public decision that contradicts his confirmation promises. If it feels wrong . . . Beauregard's dream.

Gloria and Yolanda are chatting via presence. We are reminded of the Botxennial mindset. Note this places Mozabique and Neanderats into the story line.

Wonk has his airport dream begins to really think about travel, realizes it is a very hard problem.

He has a short call with Gloria. She reminds him about Dr. Frah, he goes. General briefing on Depository II, more information about the rats, Lemrats descend from Lemrat and have opposable thumbs. Neanderats are very mean.

Wonk goes to visit Dr. Frah at Gloria's behest. Madagascar, rats, Squik mates with mouse lemurs, a bit of a sexual deviant and begats Lemrat, the first rat with opposable thumbs. Lemrat is shunned from the conference, makes his way through the jungle, finds, or is found by, Charles Vanderbilt. Lemrat begats Jograt, the first tool builder, creates a sword from a nail.

Wonk and Guy continue to pound away to the problem of extracting money from people that want to travel with less hassle.

Wonk goes on a date with Fortia, well at least she invites him to her workplace, she is an optical engineer working on the BlendIT series of products.

Wonk has the aha moment for

Wonk is at home, asks his father, why didi you name me Wonk? Doesn't get a real answer, but we know there was some traumatic event and that is apparently an individual named Know.

Wonk is glad to get back to the business of business, he and Guy continue to chip away at the affluent travel problem and quickly realize there is a lot more to it including privacy from Deep State.

Josh lands his Gulfstream at LIH>

Yolanda, CB, Angelica meet for coffee, are thinking about ideas to reduce the accuracy of deep state data, think of selfies, present it to Wonk. He points out they have to do something. Mini-Me suggestion. After Wonk leaves, (for a date), Yolanda meeds with Lilian. She explains she wants a filter for HNN stories to start choosing "comfort words".

Wonk goes on his date with Fozia, he ends up talking shop, but she likes him anyway.

Wonk runs his idea past the reverend, he thinks it could make sense.

Now that they know what to build Wonk and Guy get to it RESTful services and all. Finally we get to No Problem Airways, the airline with the laid back attitude.

Wonk goes on a walk with Ahuva and has a code "download". Wonk detects a porch pirate. 

Eli is called as the closest of kin to Harold who was strangled doing boudoir photography, apparently by a Flat Earth politician. Who took the picture?

HNN decides to run with a "breaking story". Not a good move, Angelica begins to move away from Yolanda.

Chapter ends with Josh, now on island, having a chat with Gizmo about Harold. Eli is losing Circle status, but has plenty of AI church work.


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